Ebook Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (The Making of the Contemporary World)
Beschreibung Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (The Making of the Contemporary World)
Featuring a brand new examination of Islamic fundamentalism in the wake of the Arab Spring, this fully revised and updated second edition of Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 analyzes the roots and emergence of Islamic movements in the modern world and the main thinkers that inspired them.Providing a much-needed historical overview of a fast-changing socio-political landscape, the main facets of Islamic fundamentalism are put in a global context, with a thematic debate of issues such as:- the effects of colonialism on Islam - secularism and the Islamic reaction - Islam and violence in the 9/11 era- globalization and transnational Islamist movements - Islam in the wake of the Arab AwakeningIslamic Fundamentalism since 1945 provides an authoritative account of the causes and diversity of Islamic fundamentalism, a modern phenomenon which has grabbed the headlines as a grave threat to the West and a potentially revolutionary trend in the Middle East. It is a valuable resource for students and those interested in the history, effects and consequences of these Islamic movements
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (The Making of the Contemporary World) PDF ePub
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 The Making of the ~ Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 The Making of the Contemporary World: : Milton-Edwards, Beverley (Queen's University, UK): Bücher
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 The Making of the ~ Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (The Making of the Contemporary World) / Beverley Milton-Edwards / ISBN: 9780415639897 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Islamic Fundamentalism Since 1945 MAKING OF THE ~ Islamic Fundamentalism Since 1945 (MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD) / Milton-Edwards, Beverly / ISBN: 9780415301725 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 The Making of the ~ Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (The Making of the Contemporary World) by Beverley Milton-Edwards (2013-10-02) / Beverley Milton-Edwards / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (The Making of the ~ Featuring a brand new examination of Islamic fundamentalism inthe wake of the Arab Spring, this fully revised and updated secondedition of Islamic. Deals Brands Secure Excellent 4.7/5 10,595 reviews on Trustpilot
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 The Making of the ~ Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 The Making of the Contemporary World: .in: Milton-Edwards, Beverley: Books
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Public Religions in the Modern World: : Casanova ~ During the 1980s, religious traditions around the world, from Islamic fundamentalism to Catholic liberation theology, began making their way, often forcefully, out of the private sphere and into public life, causing the "deprivatization" of religion in contemporary life. No longer content merely to administer pastoral care to individual souls, religious institutions are challenging dominant .
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (豆瓣) ~ Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 作者 : Beverley Milton-Edwards 出版社: Routledge 出版年: 2004-12-17 页数: 176 定价: USD 115.00 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780415301725
Revolution in the Making of the Modern World: Social ~ Islamic fundamentalism, international terrorism and revolution ; democratic revolution as a new form of revolution ; postmodern theories of revolution ; new social movements, identities and new figures of revolution. Revolution in the Making of the Modern World will be essential reading for students and scholars of comparative politics, political theory, revolution and political sociology .
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