Pdf lesen Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia (English Edition)
Beschreibung Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia (English Edition)
The karambit has become extremely popular in recent years, spread by practitioners of Southeast Asian martial arts such as Silat, KunTao and the Filipino arts of Kali and Escrima, but there is very little information on the subject outside of these arts.More and more martial arts styles as well as law enforcement (LEO) and the military are looking into the usefulness of this ancient Indonesian weapon, but with a dearth of teaching material and/or instructors out there, they are left to learn on their own or try to find a qualified instructor of Southeast Asian arts to teach them the finer points of this unique weapon.This book aspires to describe and explain the History, Design, Materials, as well as demonstrate Deployment, Drills and defense against the Knife, Gun, Unarmed defense and Multiple Attackers.Hopefully everyone interested in learning the karambit can gain a better understanding of this fascinating utility tool and fighting implement with 243 pages and over 750 photos showing step by step sequences of techniques and applications.Be sure to look for our Karambit 4-volume DVD set on Amazon
Lesen Sie das Buch Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia (English Edition)
Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia ~ Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia (English Edition) eBook: Seiwert, David: : Kindle-Shop
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Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia Kindle ~ The karambit has become extremely popular in recent years, spread by practitioners of Southeast Asian martial arts such as Silat, KunTao and the Filipino arts of Kali and Escrima, but there is very little information on the subject outside of these arts. More and more martial arts styles as well as law enforcement (LEO) and the
Secrets of the Karambit Weapons of Southeast Asia ~ Secrets of the Karambit Weapons of Southeast Asia. Leave a reply. Secrets of the Karambit Weapons of Southeast Asia Seiwert .
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David Seiwert - ~ Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia (English Edition) 03.08.2016. von David Seiwert ( 74 ) 5,40 € The karambit has become extremely popular in recent years, spread by practitioners of Southeast Asian martial arts such as Silat, KunTao and the Filipino arts of Kali and Escrima, but there is very little information on the subject outside of these arts. More and more martial arts .
Secrets of the Karambit: Weapons of Southeast Asia ~ The karambit has become extremely popular in recent years, spread by practitioners of Southeast Asian martial arts such as Silat, KunTao and the Filipino arts of Kali and Escrima, but there is very little information on the subject outside of these arts. More and more martial arts styles as well as law enforcement (LEO) and the military are looking into the usefulness of this ancient .
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