Buch Days of the Dead (SAS Operation) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Days of the Dead (SAS Operation) (English Edition)
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But can the SAS break in to a Colombian island prison and snatch an Argentine killer?1996: a terminally ill father desperately seeks answers to what happened to his son, missing for twenty years. He has the names of two Argentine men – one in Mexico City, the other imprisoned on the Colombian island of Providencia – but no one to ask the questions.A missing girl’s family have given her up for dead when they stumble upon a Miami newspaper story mentioning two of her friends. One has just died; the other, half-deranged, tells a garbled story of sexual slavery on a Caribbean island which sounds suspiciously like Providencia.MI6 and the British government are certain that a huge drug-trafficking empire is being run from the prison, and know that some of the profits are being funnelled by its Argentine ‘guest’ into financing a mercenary invasion of the Falklands. Ignored by the Colombian authorities and mysteriously obstructed by their American allies, the British have no choice but to send in their own elite force – the SAS.
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Days of the Dead (SAS Operation): : Monnery ~ Days of the Dead (SAS Operation): : Monnery: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken DE Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen WarenrĂĽcksendungen und Bestellungen Entdecken Sie Prime Einkaufswagen. BĂĽcher (Fremdsprachig) Los Suche .
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Operation Flavius - Wikipedia ~ Operation Flavius was a military operation in which three members of a Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) cell were shot dead by undercover members of the British Special Air Service (SAS) in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988. The three—Seán Savage, Daniel McCann, and Mairéad Farrell (members of Provisional IRA Belfast Brigade)—were believed to be mounting a car bomb attack on British .
Special Air Service Regiment - Wikipedia ~ The Special Air Service Regiment, officially abbreviated SASR though commonly known as the SAS, is a special forces unit of the Australian Army.Formed in 1957, it was modelled on the British SAS sharing the motto, "Who Dares Wins". The regiment is based at Campbell Barracks, in Swanbourne, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia, and is a direct command unit of the Special Operations Command.
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