Buch Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700–2000)
Beschreibung Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700–2000)
This book examines the historic tensions between Jehovah’s Witnesses and government authorities, civic organisations, established churches and the broader public. Witnesses originated in the 1870s as small, loose-knit groups calling themselves Bible Students. Today, there are some eight million Witnesses worldwide, all actively engaged in evangelism under the direction of the Watch Tower Society. The author analyses issues that have brought them global visibility and even notoriety, including political neutrality, public ministry, blood transfusion, and anti-ecumenism. It also explores anti-Witness discourse, from media portrayals of the community as marginal and exotic to the anti-cult movement. Focusing on varied historical, ideological and national contexts, the book argues that Witnesses have had a defining influence on conceptions of religious tolerance in the modern world.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700–2000) ebooks
Jehovah's Witnesses And The Secular World: From The 1870s ~ Jehovah's Witnesses And The Secular World: From The 1870s To The Present (histories Of The Sacred And Secular, 1700-2000) by Zoe Knox / 2018 / English / PDF. Read Online 5.6 MB Download. This book examines the historic tensions between Jehovah’s Witnesses and government authorities, civic organisations, established churches and the broader public. Witnesses originated in the 1870s as small .
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World - From the 1870s ~ Witnesses originated in the 1870s as small, loose-knit groups calling themselves Bible Students. Today, there are some eight million Witnesses worldwide, all actively engaged in evangelism under the direction of the Watch Tower Society. The author analyses issues that have brought them global visibility and even notoriety, including political neutrality, public ministry, blood transfusion, and .
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s ~ Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700–2000) - Kindle edition by Knox, Zoe. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present (Histories of the .
Jehovah's witnesses and the secular world : from the 1870s ~ Get this from a library! Jehovah's witnesses and the secular world : from the 1870s to the present. [Zoe Katrina Knox]
: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World ~ : Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700-2000) (9781137396044): Knox, Zoe: Books
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World / SpringerLink ~ Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World From the 1870s to the Present. Authors (view affiliations) Zoe Knox; Book. 16 Mentions; 2.1k Downloads; Part of the Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700-2000 book series (HISASE) Log in to check access . Buy eBook. USD 79.99 Instant download; Readable on all devices; Own it forever; Local sales tax included if applicable; Buy Physical Book Learn .
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World / Reading Religion ~ Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World. From the 1870s to the Present. Zoe Knox. Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700-2000. London, England: Palgrave Macmillan, February. 2018. 316 pages. $99.99. Hardcover. ISBN. 9781137396044. For other formats: Link to Publisher's Website. Review coming soon! Review by Taylor Kerby forthcoming. Description . This book examines the historic tensions .
Bibliography of works on the Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia ~ Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World: From the 1870s to the Present. Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700-2000. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137396044. Rogerson, Alan (1969). Millions Now Living Will Never Die: A Study of Jehovah's Witnesses. Constable. ISBN 978-0094559400. Schulz, B. W. (2014).
Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? — Watchtower ONLINE ~ 37 So too with Jehovah’s faithful witnesses in this latter half of the twentieth century. They have the true Christian point of view. Their strenuous evangelistic activity is not something peculiar to this present decade. They have not dedicated their lives to serve Jehovah only until 1975. Christians have been running this way ever since .
Did the Last Days start in 1914 - Jehovah's Witnesses ~ The Watchtower has attempted to present World War I as a unique turning point in history. Claims include: "THE first world war was by far the widest and most destructive human conflict up to that time." Watchtower 1984 May 1 p.4 "No generation previous to that of 1914 ever experienced a world war, never mind two." Watchtower 1983 Jul 15 p.7 "Historians widely agree that World War I was the .
When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed?—Part One ~ When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? —Part One. Why It Matters; What the Evidence Shows. This is the first of two articles in consecutive issues of The Watchtower that discuss scholarly questions surrounding the date of the destruction of ancient Jerusalem.This two-part series presents thoroughly researched and Bible-based answers to questions that have puzzled some readers.
Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs - Wikipedia ~ The beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on the Bible teachings of Charles Taze Russell—founder of the Bible Student movement—and successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and Nathan Homer Knorr. Since 1976 all doctrinal decisions have been made by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders at the denomination's headquarters.
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Der Wachtturm verkündigt Jehovas Königreich – Wikipedia ~ Name und Zweck der Herausgabe. Der Name Der Wachtturm spielt auf Jesaja 21,8 EU an, in dem ein Wächter auf einem Wachtturm erwähnt wird. Nach eigenen Angaben soll die Herausgabe dem Zweck dienen, Jehova zu ehren und den Lesern mit dem Hinweis auf Gottes Königreich Mut zu machen, durch das alles Böse beseitigt und ein irdisches Paradies geschaffen werde.
Australian Aboriginal religion and mythology - Wikipedia ~ Australian Aboriginal religion and mythology is the sacred spirituality represented in the stories performed by Aboriginal Australians within each of the language groups across Australia in their ceremonies.Aboriginal spirituality includes the Dreamtime (the Dreaming), songlines, and Aboriginal oral literature.. Aboriginal spirituality often conveys descriptions of each group's local cultural .
Historicity of the Bible - Wikipedia ~ Materials and methods Manuscripts and canons. The Bible exists in multiple manuscripts, none of them an autograph, and multiple canons, which do not completely agree on which books have sufficient authority to be included or their order (see Books of the Bible).The early discussions about the exclusion or integration of various apocrypha involve an early idea about the historicity of the core.
Christmas in the Philippines - Wikipedia ~ Christmas in the Philippines (Filipino: Pasko sa Pilipinas), one of two predominantly Catholic countries in Asia (the other one being East Timor), is one of the biggest holidays in the country.The country celebrates the world's longest Christmas season, with Christmas carols heard as early as September and lasting variously until either Epiphany, the Feast of the Black Nazarene on January 9 .
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