Ebook Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English Edition)
Fools.So many fools. Nothing but fools.That worm of a detective, my mother, Paul. Fools—all of them. But Aspen, oh Aspen…she was the biggest fool of all.Aspen Black, a seemingly ordinary woman of the compound, transformed into the utter bane of my existence in just a matter of months. She had the gall to question me, to seek the counsel of an outsider, and to disobey my word. To add to her list of transgressions, Aspen recruited my own brother in the crusade against me. For this, they must both be punished. And their daughter, Ruthie, is the key to their retribution.Aspen and Paul will pay for their crimes against the one true prophet. If it’s the very last thing I do.
Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English Edition) ebooks
Prophet Takes All (The Compound, #4) by Melissa Brown ~ 4.5 stars Prophet Takes All is the final installment in this series and the one book that I could not wait to get my hands on. I loved every minute of this series, but it was the books that were about Aspen and her family that I loved the most. Each book being better then the next. Each book intrigued me and completely captured me from the beginning to the end. And Ms. Brown always managed to .
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Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) eBook ~ Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) eBook: Brown, Melissa, Westring, Hollie: .in: Kindle Store
Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English ~ Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English Edition) eBook: Melissa Brown, Hollie Westring: : Kindle-Shop
/ Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4 ~ Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by Brown, Melissa, Westring, Hollie. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Prophet Takes All (The Compound Series Book 4) (English Edition).
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