Ebook Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior
Beschreibung Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior
Wing Chun for the modern warrior is for the person seeking unadulterated self-defense. In the real world, where fights start suddenly, in areas with bad footing, with potential for multiple attackers, surrounded by hard surfaces rather than mats, ropes or a cage to keep you safe, you need Wing Chun. Too many martial systems have eschewed true self-defense and are totally reliant on the artificial safety mechanisms of their arena. Not understanding this can get you seriously hurt, even killed. Don’t make that mistake. In Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior, therefore, you’ll see the brutal logic of Wing Chun at work. The chapter on self-defense application shows you how to defend yourself where and when it counts - without a referee, without gloves or rules and where everything is on the line. This is a must read for anyone who believes that self-defense is a serious moral issue requiring sound logic and fistic wisdom. Who won’t like it? Certainly competitive young men who mistake competition with sudden violence - who think showing they are “the better man” (through violence!) is the goal. On the other hand, the true self-defender, the martial artist, understands that no one ever wins a fight. They understand that their safety is the highest and only goal. The second aspect of the book is to provide the must-have theories of Wing Chun and self-defense. Much confusion is avoided when the practitioner has a clear understanding of the simple, but key principles upon which Wing Chun is founded. To truly know how to do something we must know why and when. In this way, Wing Chun is more than just a practical system. It's a method of sound and true principles. That's what makes it practical, after all. Knowing these principles - having your training guided by them - will prepare you for the unpredictability of combat. Many people live by the motto, "live and learn." But that leaves you at the mercy of experience, which is a terrible teacher because experience always gives the test first and the lesson later. Wing Chun's motto is better - it's "learn and live." In all, if you take self-defense seriously, and you’re confused as to the best unarmed option to pursue, Wing Chun is for you. A good Wing Chun man or woman doesn’t have to be in the prime of their life to make it work anymore than a home-defender with a shotgun has to be a Navy SEAL sniper. Wing Chun is the shotgun of hand-to-hand systems. That’s the critical thing this book will give you - how you can defend yourself and/or family in the worst case scenario.
Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior PDF ePub
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Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior on Apple Books ~ Wing Chun for the modern warrior is for the person seeking unadulterated self-defense. In the real world, where fights start suddenly, in areas with bad footing, with potential for multiple attackers, surrounded by hard surfaces rather than mats, ropes or a cage to keep you safe, you need Wing Chun.…
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: Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior eBook: Korol ~ Wing Chun for the modern warrior is for the person seeking unadulterated self-defense. In the real world, where fights start suddenly, in areas with bad footing, with potential for multiple attackers, surrounded by hard surfaces rather than mats, ropes or a cage to keep you safe, you need Wing Chun. Too many martial systems have eschewed true self-defense and are totally reliant on the .
Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior: : Korol ~ Wing Chun for the modern warrior is for the person seeking unadulterated self-defense. In the real world, where fights start suddenly, in areas with bad footing, with potential for multiple attackers, surrounded by hard surfaces rather than mats, ropes or a cage to keep you safe, you need Wing Chun. Too many martial systems have eschewed true self-defense and are totally reliant on the .
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Wing Chun for the Modern Warrior: Korol, Jason ~ Wing Chun for the modern warrior is for the person seeking unadulterated self-defense. In the real world, where fights start suddenly, in areas with bad footing, with potential for multiple attackers, surrounded by hard surfaces rather than mats, ropes or a cage to keep you safe, you need Wing Chun.
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The Creation of Wing Chun: A Social History of the ~ Continuing into the modern era, the book gives us interesting insights into Ip Man & his lineage of Wing Chun in particular and the development of the martial arts as a source of local and national pride in China. Finally, the book discusses the significance of the explosion of Wing Chun on to the world stage in the latter part of the 20th century.
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