Pdf lesen Raising Cane: The Unexpected Martial Art (English Edition)
Beschreibung Raising Cane: The Unexpected Martial Art (English Edition)
When you think of a cane, do you think of an elderly person walking down the street, using the "stick" as a crutch? When author Octavio Ramos Jr. sees a cane, he sees a hard-hitting self-defense weapon with a crook and horn capable of incapacitating any opponent within a matter of seconds. This book teaches the art of one of the most unexpected self-defense tools ever created. Carried anywhere--into almost any situation--the cane rarely attracts undue attention...until you need it to.
Raising Cane: The Unexpected Martial Art (English Edition) ebooks
Raising Cane: The Unexpected Martial Art Kindle Edition ~ Raising Cane: The Unexpected Martial Art Kindle Edition by Octavio Ramos Jr. (Author) Format: Kindle . Download to your computer. Mac ; Windows 8, 8 RT, 10 and Modern UI ; Windows 8 desktop, Windows 7, XP & Vista ; Kindle Cloud Reader. Read instantly in your browser ; Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . This shopping feature will continue to load .
Raising Cane - The Unexpected Martial Art: Ramos, Octavio ~ Raising Cane - The Unexpected Martial Art: Ramos, Octavio: 9781905605101: Books - .ca . Skip to main content.ca. Books. Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Try. Prime. Cart Hello Select your address Best Sellers Gift Ideas New Releases Deals Store Electronics Customer Service Home Books Coupons Computers Gift Cards Sell Subscribe & save Registry. Books Advanced .
Raising Cane: The Unexpected Martial Art by Octavio Ramos Jr. ~ They also know I've been teaching advanced martial arts to my siblings since the year of our Lord 19 and 84. Matter of fact my brother still owes me 1.25 USD for one of his ninjitsu lessons. So we were planting some heirloom raspberry bushes the other day when I found a robin who needed to be put down. She was just suffering, staring at me, twitching, yet unable t
Raising Cane - The Unexpected Martial Art: Ramos, Octavio ~ "Raising Cane" documents the pedestrian and much underestimated art of cane defense. What could be more familiar than a crook-necked cane, or as accessible as 36" of hardwood resting at the ready in your dominant hand? Neither a knife nor gun has this advantage and the cane can be taken almost everywhere by old or young.
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: MARTIAL CANE CONCEPTS: Michael D. Janich ~ Product Description. Using a ""keep it practical"" approach, veteran instructor Michael Janich has developed Martial Cane Concepts, a self-defense system specifically geared toward people with physical limitations.In other words, Martial Cane Concepts, is not for the expert stick fighter or martial artist; it's for the 65-year-old man or woman who may actually need to fight for his or her life .