Ebook How to Avoid Armageddon
Beschreibung How to Avoid Armageddon
Humanity seems to be at crossroads. One direction points towards a very grim future, possibly evoking Orwell’s 1984 or even a totally silent planet. The other direction points to an age with optimum personal liberty, well-being, abundance and joy for more people than ever before, but it depends on the attitudes and actions of humanity as a whole. How to Avoid Armageddon offers a pragmatic way of looking at the world, which might tally with certain aspects of biblical prophecy. But it purports to be entirely secular in its approach. Humanity faces serious environmental and demographic challenges and a devastating form of religious fundamentalism. Encapsulating the root cause of many of the serious problems in the world is the ongoing Arab-Israel conflict, in which can also be found the key to solving these problems. The answers are hidden in the way the conflict is waged by people in the region and portrayed by the rest of the world. The answers will be understood only when Arabs, Israelis and people everywhere acquire the necessary moral and cognitive capacity to tell right from wrong. How to Avoid Armageddon is all about acquiring that capacity. It is quite possibly one of the most important books of our times.
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How to Avoid Armageddon: : Dobrin, Ralph ~ How to Avoid Armageddon: : Dobrin, Ralph: Fremdsprachige Bücher. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken DE Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen .
Avoiding Armageddon: Sierra, Walter: .sg: Books ~ Avoiding Armageddon: Sierra, Walter: .sg: Books . All Books Children's Books School Books History Fiction Travel & Holiday Arts & Photography Mystery & Suspense Business & Investing .
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