Buch Systema : The Russian Martial System
Beschreibung Systema : The Russian Martial System
PLEASE NOTE: This book also includes exclusive access to 40 instructional videos that cover various practices detailed in the text.This is the first complete training manual for Systema, the Russian Martial Art developed for use by the elite ex-Soviet Special Operation Units of Spetsnaz. Nowhere else has the previously often classified material found in these pages been collated in one place for civilian use. Many personal anecdotes and experiences throughout the book make for an entertaining, humorous and informative read. In the typically unorthodox fashion of Systema itself, this is no dry text book but an easy-to-use teaching aid and a very human study.•Includes previously classified scientific information that relates to the underlying principles of military and sports science.•The latest scientific research on supposedly “superhuman abilities” and how to easily develop these in simple and effective ways.•Learn how to perform three of the “mini superpowers” in no more than 30 minutes each, to satisfy yourself that the concepts in this book are NOT hype but just pure science, repeatable and learnable by anyone willing to do the work.•Learn the more powerful abilities often considered “impossible” by most hard-core martial artists until these are performed on them.•Easy to follow explanations on the basic principles of military sports science and how they relate to real-life survival of combat.•Useful for anyone involved not just in martial arts, but any sports in general and, in fact, most human activities, as the principles presented are applicable not just to Systema but to any practical human endeavour.
Systema : The Russian Martial System PDF ePub
Systema : The Russian Martial System: : Filotto ~ Systema : The Russian Martial System / Filotto, Giuseppe / ISBN: 9781460925874 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Systema Solo Training von Robert Poyton - bücher ~ Many martial arts use fixed movement patterns or kata for solo training, but the Russian Martial Art of Systema has no set moves or techniques. How, then, can you train alone in Systema? This book has the answers! It is a primer on all the basic methods of Systema solo practice, including: Core Exercises, Breathing, Falling & Ground Movement, Stretching and Mobility, Equipment, Health .
Suchergebnis auf für: Systema: Bücher ~ Systema: Russian Martial Art 25 Combat Drills. von Matt Hill / 29. Juli 2016 . 4,3 . Systema : The Russian Martial System. von Giuseppe Filotto / 19. Februar 2011 . 4,2 von 5 Sternen 31. Taschenbuch 75,99 € 75,99 € GRATIS Versand durch . Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 5 Tagen. Systema Manual by Major Komarov (English Edition) von Konstantin Komarov. 3,8 von 5 Sternen 4. Kindle .
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Systema – Wikipedia ~ Systema (russisch Система, wörtlich übersetzt Das System) ist eine russische Kampfkunst.. Das Training beinhaltet, ist aber nicht beschränkt auf: Hand-zu-Hand-Kampf, Grappling, Messerkampf und Waffenausbildung. In Systema muss der Körper frei von Spannungen, voller Ausdauer, Flexibilität, müheloser Bewegung und explosivem Potential sein; der „Geist“ oder psychische Zustand .
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Systema / Get Into Martial Arts ~ Systema is a martial art that was created during the 400 year old Mongol occupation of Russia. It was created to provide a martial art that could be taught and learned quickly and easily to provide maximum protection and self defence by utilising close-quarters-combat.
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