Buch online The Principles and Practice of Taijiquan: Volume Two: Auxiliary Training (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Principles and Practice of Taijiquan: Volume Two: Auxiliary Training (English Edition)
This book presents a variety of auxiliary training methods for the practice of taijiquan. Included are instructions for proper breathing; stretching and loosening exercises; three different qigong routines for healing, martial development, and longevity; body conditioning; nourishing life practics (yangsheng gong); silk-reeling and fajin training; pole-shaking; training to develop whole-body power; Taoist cultivation practices including dantien rotation, the Microcosmic Orbit, and the Macrocosmic Orbit; taiji ruler; and neijin cultivation. These auxiliary training exercises are intended to supplement both the solo form covered in volume one and to prepare the practitioner to engage in dual-person training such as pushing hands, which is covered in volume two.
Lesen Sie das Buch The Principles and Practice of Taijiquan: Volume Two: Auxiliary Training (English Edition)
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