PDF Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate
Beschreibung Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate
Written specifically for the Western practitioner, Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate blends modern science and philosophy with the traditional wisdoms—drawn from classic t'ai chi literature—that underlie Chinese martial arts. Author Rick Barrett authoritatively describes a wide range of movements, practices, and positions in the context of such topics as being in the zone, effortless power and force versus power, the whole-body energetic connection, instant meditation, and energetic coherence. Step-by-step exercises help make this sometimes daunting discipline simple and accessible.
Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate ebooks
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Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate: Barrett, Rick ~ Written specifically for the Western practitioner, Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate blends modern science and philosophy with the traditional wisdoms—drawn from classic t'ai chi literature—that underlie Chinese martial arts. Author Rick Barrett authoritatively describes a wide range of movements, practices, and positions in the context of such topics as being in the zone, effortless power and force versus power, the whole-body energetic connection, instant meditation, and energetic .
Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate - Kindle edition by ~ Written specifically for the Western practitioner, Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate blends modern science and philosophy with the traditional wisdoms—drawn from classic t'ai chi literature—that underlie Chinese martial arts. Author Rick Barrett authoritatively describes a wide range of movements, practices, and positions in the context of such topics as being in the zone, effortless power and force versus power, the whole-body energetic connection, instant meditation, and .
Taijiquan - North Atlantic Books ~ Written specifically for the Western practitioner, Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate blends modern science and philosophy with the traditional wisdoms—drawn from classic t’ai chi literature—that underlie Chinese martial arts. Author Rick Barrett authoritatively describes a wide range of movements, practices, and positions in the context of such topics as being in the zone, effortless power and force versus power, the whole-body energetic connection, instant meditation, and energetic .
Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate - eBookMall ~ Blue Snake Books Publication date: June 2011. ISBN: 9781583943892 Digital Book format: ePub (Adobe DRM) Buy ePub. Our price: $ 11.99. Written specifically for the Western practitioner, Taijiquan: Through the Western Gate blends modern science and philosophy with the traditional wisdoms-drawn from classic t'ai chi literature-that underlie Chinese martial arts. Author Rick Barrett .
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Chen-style taijiquan - Wikipedia ~ The Zhaobao Taijiquan shares many stylistic similarities with Chen-style taijiquan because it was originated by Chen Qingping, a Chen Family stylist. His disciples such as He Zhaoyuan and Wu Yuxiang promoted this unique style. Despite the similarities in appearance, this style has its own history, theory and philosophy. This style is considered to be a distinct and separate traditional Chinese .