PDF Attack Proof: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection
Beschreibung Attack Proof: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection
This volume presents a personal protection system for anticipating and fending off even the most brutal assaults. Unlike most martial arts systems, which teach patterned, choreographed techniques that often don't work during street fights, this system prepares people for situations involving random motion and guided chaos. People learn to create a defence during attacks using principles of movement and physics. This book provides a wide selection of basic to advanced tactics and principles with accompanying photographs showing correct positioning and manoeuvres. Readers will learn what to do, what not to do, if the worst should happen and they are confronted with a potentially life threatening situation.
Attack Proof: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Attack Proof - 2nd Edition: Perkins, John, Ridenhour, Al ~ Attack Proof presents a proven personal protection system, called guided chaos, for anticipating and fending off even the most brutal assaults. It's based on the real-world experiences and forensic homicide research of a former New York cop and instructor for members of the FBI, U.S. Marines and air marshals, and security personnel for dignitaries. Attack Proof trains you to become a martial .
Attack Proof-2nd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Personal ~ Attack Proof-2nd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection. John Perkins, Al Ridenhour, Matt Kovsky. Human Kinetics, 2009 - Sports & Recreation - 276 pages. 2 Reviews. Real violence is not like anything you see in the movies or the ring. Ask any street cop or soldier: Real violence is total chaos and cannot be defended against with either patterned technique training or sport fighting .
: Customer reviews: Attack Proof: the Ultimate ~ Attack Proof emphasizes close quarters combat techniques that enabled the Allied soldiers in World War II to beat the superiorly martial arts-trained Japanese in hand-to-hand fighting on islands all over the Pacific. It includes fright reaction training that is essential for anyone that wants to survive a sudden violent encounter, which is something most arts don't teach, and the ones that do .
GUIDED CHAOS HOME ~ Within a storm of violent chaos, learn how to PERCEIVE and ANTICIPATE the attacker's motion, sensing his openings while cutting off and evading his attacks. This can only be accomplished within the Warrior Mind-State of "MUSHIN" -- and GUIDED CHAOS’ unique training methodology teaches you how to do this from the very beginning, making all of your movement more powerful, balanced, loose .
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Agyrophobia is the fear of crossing the street ~ Attack Proof : The Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection by John Perkins, Al Ridenhour, Matt Kovsky: ag·yro·pho·bi·a -- n. 1.Fear of crossing the street; fear of life in the streets; fear of street crime. Many people -- especially the elderly in large American cities -- find themselves feeling helpless and without solutions to the violence that permeates today's society Texts: Music: Film .
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About Guided Chaos ~ Guided Chaos is the most unique fighting system ever devised because the training focuses on developing your combative skills through “Universal Movement”.. Rather than training in overly complex techniques that don’t work under the stress of real confrontations, we teach people to fight using "Dynamic Principles” that emphasize natural body movement and are applicable to all human .
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