Buch Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions (Expanded Edition)
Beschreibung Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions (Expanded Edition)
Koryu, literally, 'old flow from the past,' refers to Japanese martial traditions that predate the sweeping cultural changes that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868. They generally have a very different character and tone from modern martial arts, such as kendo, judo or aikido which followed. More than the study of antique weapons, self-defense or a form of athletics, these martial traditions are a cultural legacy and a window to another time and place. In the first edition of Old School, Ellis Amdur, a renowned martial arts researcher, and himself an instructor in two different surviving koryu, gave readers a rare glimpse into feudal Japanese warrior arts, both as they were in the past and as they live on today. Nearly a decade later, he returns to the subject in this new, greatly expanded edition, bringing readers inside the dojos of a number ancient schools, providing details analysis of the evolution and morphology of uniquely Japanese weaponry, addressing the myth and reality of Japan's naginata-wielding warrior women, and discussing the modern relevance of the blood oaths, magical ritual and mysticism that often permeate the koryu. Finally, he looks at the challenge of preservation and transmission, especially as more and more practitioners of the koryu exist outside of Japan itself. Writing with a combination of the initiate's passion for his subject, and the scientist's rigorous search for the truth, Amdur asks critically: do the ancient traditions still meet the objectives of their founders? Are they successfully passing their ancient legacy down to the next generation? Over a third larger than the first edition and filled with new artwork and photography, Old School: Japanese Martial Traditions Expanded Edition will be an invaluable addition to the library of old readers and new alike.
Lesen Sie das Buch Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions (Expanded Edition)
Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions: Amdur ~ Old School is a collection of historically-minded essays on Japanese martial arts and related topics. After the forewords and author's note, it contains five parts. These essays describe various Japanese martial arts schools or systems, weapons, and traditions. The book concludes with an extensive glossary as well as a bibliography.
Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions ~ Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions (Expanded Edition) View table of contents. Koryū, literally, ‘old flow from the past,’ refers to Japanese martial traditions that predate the sweeping cultural changes that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868. They generally have a very different character and tone from modern martial arts, such as kendō, judō or aikidō which .
Old School on Apple Books ~ Old School Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions. Ellis Amdur. $31.99; $31.99 ; Publisher Description. Koryu, literally, 'old flow from the past,' refers to Japanese martial traditions that predate the sweeping cultural changes that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868. They generally have a very different character and tone from modern martial arts, such as kendo, judo or aikido which .
Old School on Apple Books - Apple Books - Apple - Apple ~ Old School Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions -- Expanded Edition. Ellis Amdur. 5.0 • 2 Ratings; $24.99; $24.99 ; Publisher Description. Koryū, literally, 'old flow from the past,' refers to Japanese martial traditions that predate the sweeping cultural changes that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868. They generally have a very different character and tone from modern martial arts .
Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions: Ellis ~ Old School is a collection of historically-minded essays on Japanese martial arts and related topics. After the forewords and author's note, it contains five parts. These essays describe various Japanese martial arts schools or systems, weapons, and traditions. The book concludes with an extensive glossary as well as a bibliography.
Old School - Freelance Academy Press - Western Martial ~ Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions, Expanded Edition. Order the eBook version with this printed copy and receive $10.00 off the price of the download! Koryū, literally, ‘old flow from the past,’ refers to Japanese martial traditions that predate the sweeping cultural changes that followed the Meiji Restoration of 1868.They generally have a very different character and tone from modern .
Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions by Ellis ~ Old School: Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions 396. by Ellis Amdur. Paperback (Expanded Edition) $ 39.95. Paperback. $39.95 . NOOK Book. $27.99. View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. English .
Old School by Ellis Amdur - Western Martial Arts and ~ Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions, Expanded Edition Price: $22.95. Item Number: FAP000028. Author(s): Ellis Amdur. ISBN: 978-1-937439-13-2. Pages: 396 pp. (Kindle format) Published: October, 2014. Quantity: Email this page to a friend. Our first full-length eBook! Order with the printed book and receive $10.00 off your purchase of this e-version! Koryū, literally, ‘old flow from the .
Dueling with O Sensei - Paperback Edition ~ Ellis Amdur lived in Japan for thirteen years, and while there, received teaching licenses in two classical Japanese martial traditions. Since his return to America, he has developed a range of training and consultation services, as well as a unique style of assessment and psychotherapy, based on a combination of phenomenological psychology and the underlying philosophical and tactical .
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Jikishinkage-ryu Naginatajutsu - Wikipedia ~ Jikishinkage-ryū naginatajutsu (直心影流薙刀術) is a koryū which claims to have descended from Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū.Despite this claim, Jikishinkage-ryū naginatajutsu does not appear to have any of the original rituals, esoteric teachings, body and weapon movements of Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū.
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Kusarigama – Wikipedia ~ Ellis Amdur: Old School. Essays on Japanese Martial Traditions. Edgework, Seattle WA 2002. Oscar Ratti, Adele Westbrook: Secrets of the Samurai. A Survey of the Martial Arts of Feudal Japan. Tuttle, Rutland VE u. a. 1973, ISBN 0-8048-0917-8.