PDF Why They Believe: A Case Study In Contemporary Polygamy
Beschreibung Why They Believe: A Case Study In Contemporary Polygamy
Why do they do it?'' is a question often asked about people who choose to live a polygamous lifestyle. This book aims to answer that very question. Driven by the theories of Kenneth Burke, Janja Lalich, George Cheney, Max Weber, and others, this six - year study explores organizational identification and unobtrusive control and compliance as it intersects with rhetoric, organizations, and religion. To explore the overarching question of why people choose to live this lifestyle, 14 current and 14 former polygamists volunteered to participate in in - depth interviews. Current members affirm their freedom of choice and say they would never live any other way. Former members state they were victims of brainwashing and organizational control. Both sides are represented equally, and both perspectives are given full treatment. In addition to in - depth interviews, written organizational documents were collected and analyzed using Extended Metaphor Analysis, Aristotelian Analysis, and Burkean Identification Strategies. Why They Believe investigates the question of ''why they do it'' in a depth never before explored. This book is a must - read for anyone interested in the reasons polygamists choose to live this alternative lifestyle.
Lesen Sie das Buch Why They Believe: A Case Study In Contemporary Polygamy
Why they believe : a case study in contemporary polygamy ~ Get this from a library! Why they believe : a case study in contemporary polygamy. [Amy Osmond Cook] -- "Why do they do it?" is a question often asked about people who choose to live a polygamous lifestyle. This book aims to answer that very question. Driven by the theories of Kenneth Burke, Janja .
Why They Believe: A Case Study in Contemporary Polygamy ~ “Why do they do it?” is a question often asked about people who choose to live a polygamous lifestyle. This book aims to answer that very question. Driven by the theories of Kenneth Burke, Janja Lalich, George Cheney, Max Weber, and others, this six-year study explores organizational identification and unobtrusive control and compliance as it intersects with rhetoric, organizations, and .
Why They Believe: A Case Study In Contemporary Polygamy ~ : Why They Believe: A Case Study In Contemporary Polygamy (9781459666344): Cook, Amy Osmond: Books
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(PDF) Islam and Polygamy: A Case Study in Malaysia ~ Islam and Polygamy: A Case Study in . the other rejects the mere notion of polygamy as they do not believe that Islam promotes any injustice and mistreatment towards them. This paper therefore .
(PDF) The Socio-Cultural Significance of Polygamy in Africa ~ current study is concerned with the p ractice of polygamy in Africa. Why People Opt for Polygamy in Africa Polygamy is widely practiced i n West Africa as well as other parts of Africa.
(PDF) Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia ~ Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia . Article (PDF Available) in SSRN Electronic Journal 2(10):68-74 · January 2013 with 517 Reads How we measure 'reads' A 'read' is counted .
Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia ~ Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Reinterpret Polygamy in Islam: A Case Study in Indonesia
(PDF) An Exploration of Polygamous Marriages: A Worldview ~ polygamy reported that they or their mot hers entered polygamous marriages unwilli ngly, some likening it to “legalize d . adultery” (Hassouneh-Phillips 2001:740). The arrival of new wives in .
Bücher bei Google Play ~ At first they are innocuous enough, but as tensions from the 2016 election spread from the media into his own family, they become much, much more complicated. Trying to answer him honestly, Mira has to think back to where she’s gotten her own answers: her most formative conversations about race, color, sexuality, and, of course, love.
BBC - Religions - Mormon: Polygamy ~ Modern Mormon teachings about polygamy, the history and why so many people still associate Mormons with plural marriages.
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Polygamy Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines ~ Polygamy is defined as the practice of keeping one or more wives at one time, the history and studies regarding polygamy signifies the fact that early leaders used to keep one or more wives at one time, ordinary individuals also adopted this practice. Hence, polygamy became a custom and a rule in many countries of the world. The facts regarding polygamy practices state "Polygamy has been .
The practice of and reasons for polygamy ~ In 2002, researchers conducted a review of all quantitative and qualitative studies that had been done on the effect of polygamy on children's outcomes (Elbedour et al. 2002). They found that children of actually polygamous marriages were at greater risk of experiencing marital conflict, family violence and family disruptions, marital distress, particularly that related to high levels of .
Polygyny - Wikipedia ~ Polygyny (/ p ə ˈ l ɪ dʒ ɪ n iː /; from Neoclassical Greek πολυγυνία from πολύ- poly-"many", and γυνή gyne "woman" or "wife") is the most common and accepted form of polygamy, entailing the marriage of a man with several women.Most countries that permit polygyny today are Muslim-majority countries.. In some countries where polygamy is illegal but polygyny is still a .
Hörbücher – Bücher bei Google Play ~ They said it was my fault. They said I’m the worst mother in the world. And even though I can’t remember what happened that day, they wouldn’t lie to me. These are my friends, my family, people I trust. But then why do I have this creeping sensation that something is wrong? Why do I feel like people are keeping secrets? Am I really as .
Polygamy - Wikipedia ~ Polygamy (from Late Greek πολυγαμία, polygamía, "state of marriage to many spouses") is the practice of marrying multiple spouses.When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny.When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry.A marriage including multiple husbands and wives can be called [by whom?] a .
Mormonism and polygamy - Wikipedia ~ Even if people did not practice polygamy, they would have their rights revoked if they confessed a belief in it. In August, Rudger Clawson was imprisoned for continuing to cohabit with wives that he married before the 1862 Morrill Act. 1887 Edmunds–Tucker Act. Portrait of polygamists in prison, at the Utah Penitentiary, including George Q. Cannon in 1889, arrested under the Edmunds–Tucker .
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African polygamy: Past and present - ScienceDirect ~ Polygamy in the data is largely bigamy: 72% of respondents report that they are the only wife, 19% report that their husband has two wives, 7% report that he has three wives, and fewer than 2% report that he has 4 wives or more (see Table A1 in the online Appendix). Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 1. Polygamy and education in Africa.