Ebook Reign Of Fire: Jesus Warned About a False Messiah and a Global Trap 2000 Years Ago (English Edition)
Beschreibung Reign Of Fire: Jesus Warned About a False Messiah and a Global Trap 2000 Years Ago (English Edition)
Is the current global lock down a sign of the last days?Are we experiencing one of the final plagues of Revelation or is this only a wakeup call?Understanding the end times can be much less confusing than scholars have made it. Wouldn’t you like to explore the subject without all the big words and baffling charts? While watching the events of September 11th, 2001 unfold, Reign of Fire author Tom Grossman Sr. set out to understand the subject of Christ’s Second Coming. As a ministry leader in Texas, Tom sensed the Lord drawing him into this sticky subject.Determined to get simple answers directly from Jesus’ own words and the teaching of His key disciples, the answers began to come. Now for the first time you will be able to understand exactly what Jesus said must happen before He returns to earth and how to prepare for it.You will learn:Why the church has been so confused about end-time events and why church leaders are afraid of the subjectHow Jesus clearly describes His return, and yet teachers get it wrongHow the apostle Paul not only agrees with Jesus but gives more stunning detailWhat John the Apostle’s vision on the Isle of Patmos really meansStep by step events leading to Jesus’ return that will protect you from deceptionThe state of the world prior to Christ returnHow the spirit of the antichrist operatesHow this spirit is grooming the world to follow the Beast of Revelation 13Why the shut down of church buildings around the world will actually strengthen ChristiansHow technology will serve mankind, and then become our greatest threatBonus – You will gain an easy to understand step by step guide to understanding biblical end- time events that you will be able use to share with your family, friends and church group.Reiterate promisesBuy this book…
Reign Of Fire: Jesus Warned About a False Messiah and a Global Trap 2000 Years Ago (English Edition) ebooks
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