Ebook Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education (The Fundamentalism Project, Band 2)
Beschreibung Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education (The Fundamentalism Project, Band 2)
The Fundamentalism Project Edited by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby Around the world, fundamentalist movements are profoundly affecting the way we live. Misinformation and misperception about fundamentalism exacerbate conflicts at home and abroad. Yet policymakers, journalists, students, and others have lacked any comprehensive resource on the explosive phenomenon of fundamentalism. Now the Fundamentalism Project has assembled an international team of scholars for a multivolume assessment of the history, scope, sources, character, and impact of fundamentalist movements within the world's major religious traditions. Fundamentalisms and Society shows how fundamentalist movements have influenced human relations, education, women's rights, and scientific research in over a dozen nations and within the traditions of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Drawn from the fields of anthropology, sociology, history of religion, and history of science, the contributors cover topics such as the educational structures of Hindu revivalism, women in fundamentalist Iran and Pakistan, and the creationist cosmos of Protestant fundamentalism. In a concluding essay, William H. McNeill situates contemporary fundamentalisms within a world historical context. The Fundamentalism Project, Volume 2 Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby direct the Fundamentalism Project. Marty, the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Modern Christianity at the University of Chicago, is the senior editor of the Christian Century and the author of numerous books, including the multivolume Modern American Religion, also published by the University of Chicago Press. Appleby, a research associate at the University of Chicago, is the author of “Church and Age Unite!” The Modernist Impulse in American Catholicism.
Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education (The Fundamentalism Project, Band 2) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the ~ Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education The Fundamentalism Project, Band 2: : Martin E. Marty, R. Scott Appleby .
Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the ~ Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education (The Fundamentalism Project) (1993-03-15) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fundamentalisms and Society : Reclaiming the Sciences, the ~ [(Fundamentalisms and Society : Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family and Education)] [Edited by Martin E. Marty ] published on (January, 1998) / Martin E. Marty / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the ~ Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family and Education (Fundamentalism Project) by Martin Marty (1998-01-08) / Martin Marty / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the ~ Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education (The Fundamentalism Project) (1997-01-05) / unknown / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby: Fundamentalisms [5 ~ Casanova, J. (1995). Fundamentalisms and society: Reclaiming the sciences, the family, and education by Martin E. Marty/R. Scott Appleby, Fundamentalism and the state: Remaking polities, economies, and militance by Martin E. Marty; R. Scott Appleby. The Journal of Religion, 75(2), 287–289. CrossRef Google Scholar
Fundamentalism: Harbinger of Academic Revisionism? ~ Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education. The Fundamentalism Project, Vol. 2. Edited by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby. University of Chicago Press, 1993. 576 pages. Fundamentalisms and the State: Remaking Politics, Economies, and Militance. The Fundamentalism Project, Vol. 3. Edited by Martin E .
Protestants and Catholics and Educational Investment in ~ In Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education, ed. Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, vol. 2, 415–451. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Google Scholar. Schaltegger, Christopher A., and Benno Torgler. 2009. Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History: A Comment on Becker and Woessmann. Center for Research .
The Challenge of Fundamentalisms - ScienceDirect ~ Fundamentalism and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 10. Huntington S,1993. The clash of civilizations? Foreign Affairs. Summer. 11. McClintock A,1996. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexualityin the Colonial Conquest. Routledge, New York; Ahmed L,1992. Women and Genderin Islam. Yale University Press, New Haven. The .
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Vol. 28, No. 2, December 1994 of Middle East Studies ~ Islamic Fundamentalism in South Asia: The Jamaat-i-Islami and the Tablighi Jamaat. Islamic Resourgence in Malaysia and Indonesia by Martin E. Marty, R. Scott Appleby, John O. Voll, Abdulaziz A. Sachedina, Mumtaz Ahmad, Manning Nash; Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family and Education, (The Fundamentalism Project, Vol .
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O Papel do “Criacionismo CientĂfico” no Fundamentalismo ~ The Fundamentalism Project, Volume 2 Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby direct the Fundamentalism Project. Marty, the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Modern .
Figures of the Void: On the Subject of Truth and the ~ So, to me, we need an ontology of the subject, a study of the being of the subject, precisely as a guide (and not a guillotine), so that we may know how best to choose in any particular situation what there is to be done. l l l l Truth happens. At least according to Alain Badiou it does.1 Here is how he conceives of the happening of truth. Any grouping of elements, as in set theory, may be .
Martin E. Marty - Wikipedia ~ Marty, Martin E. "Too Bad We're So Relevant: The Fundamentalism Project Projected". The Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 49 (March 1996): 22–38. As editor. The Fundamentalism Project, Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, Editors Volume 1: Fundamentalisms Observed, Marty/Appleby, (1991) ISBN 0-226-50878-1
Destruction and redemption : the conduct of revealed ~ Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family and Education (Vol. 11 of The Fundamentalism Project), (1996). Gathering Storm: America's Militia Threat, Harper Collins, (1997). Giant With Feet of Clay: The Arguments Against an Apocalyptic Year 1000, .
Moderner Terrorismus zwischen religiösen, politischen und ~ Waldmann spielt auf das umfangreiche Forschungsprojekt„The Fundamentalism Project“ dessen Ergebnisse in fünf Bänden („Fundamentalisms Observed“;„Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education“; Fundamentalisms Comprehended; Fundamentalisms and the State: Remaking Polities, Economies, and Militance; Strong Religion: The Rise of Fundamentalisms .
Marty, M: Fundamentalisms Observed The Fundamentalism ~ Marty, M: Fundamentalisms Observed The Fundamentalism Project, Vol 1: : Martin E. Marty: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher