Buch lesen Legacy: Through the Eyes of the Warrior (English Edition)
Beschreibung Legacy: Through the Eyes of the Warrior (English Edition)
LEGACY: Through the Eyes of the Warrior is the autobiography of Sifu Al Dacascos, a martial arts legion.This highly anticipated, compelling book takes the reader on an amazing journey through the action-packed life of one of martial arts most respected martial arts masters, Sifu Al Dacascos. Sifu Al’s journey will have you hooked from the very first chapter, as he takes you on a trip through his fascinating and intriguing life. This is one autobiography that you will not want to put down - it is A TRUE PAGE-TURNER! It is an inspirational story of a boy from the Hawaiian territory that became a world-renowned martial artist, teacher, and highly respected philosopher. Throughout this triumphant story, you will find yourself laughing aloud, struggling to hold back tears, and totally engrossed by this remarkable tale. This is a highly motivational story of rags to riches, success and heartaches, love and danger, and spiritual victory. Most of all, it is the inspirational story of a man that even in his darkest hours, refused to give up and successfully conquered his demons. This is A MUST READ for every martial artist and a book that everyone will enjoy and find personally inspiring and motivating.
Lesen Sie das Buch Legacy: Through the Eyes of the Warrior (English Edition)
: Legacy: Through the Eyes of the Warrior ~ See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $6.99 — — Paperback "Please retry" $17.97 . $17.30: $11.65: Kindle $0.00 Read with Kindle Unlimited to also enjoy access to over 1 million more titles $6.99 to buy; Paperback $17.97 9 Used from $11.65 8 New from $17.30 LEGACY: Through the Eyes of the Warrior is the autobiography of .
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