Pdf lesen Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of Atheism (English Edition)
Beschreibung Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of Atheism (English Edition)
Why do some conservative / evangelical / fundamentalist Christians (CEF Christians throughout this book) eventually reject Christianity for an agnostic / atheist worldview? To determine why, the author reviewed spiritual biographies and memoirs of former CEF Christians and conducted an extensive online survey open to all agnostics and atheists who formerly were Christian. Nearly 1,600 responded. The author concludes that four primary factors contributed to their rejection of faith: 1) higher criticism of biblical texts; 2) scientific analysis and evolution; 3) the stridency of conservative politics within CEF churches, particularly anti-gay rhetoric; and 4) the inadequacy of various apologetic arguments regarding questions of theodicy (Why suffering? Why famine? Why children with cancer?) and the doctrine of eternal punishment (hellfire). How each of these interplays with one another and contributes to the difficult decision of some CEF Christians to renounce all faith is the subject of this book.
Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of Atheism (English Edition) PDF ePub
Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of ~ Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of Atheism: Wilson, Rodney: 9781492165293: Books - .ca
Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of ~ : Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of Atheism (9781492165293): Wilson, Rodney: Books
Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of ~ Killing God: Christian Fundamentalism and the Rise of Atheism eBook: Wilson, Rodney: .in: Kindle Store
How America Lost Its Religion - The Atlantic ~ Deep into the 20th century, more than nine in 10 Americans said they believed in God and belonged to an organized religion, with the great majority of them calling themselves Christian. That .
Why the arguments of the 'New Atheists' are often just as ~ Dawkins in particular asks: “Who would advocate killing in the name of a non-God? Atheism, ancient and modern The word “atheism” stems from the Greek a-theos, “without deities”.
In Defence of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity ~ From Christian anti-abortion campaigns to suicide bombers claiming the righteousness of Islam, we are witnessing a resurgence of fundamentalism. Michel Onfray's response to the threat of a post-modern theocracy is to lay down the principles of an authentic atheism: exposing the fiction that is God, he proposes instead a new philosophy of reason that celebrates life and humanity.In Defence of .
: Christian fundamentalism: Books ~ English; Spanish; Historical Events & People. Religious History; Economic History; Historical Biographies ; Revolutions; Social History; Pictorials; Global Store. Global Store; International Shipping. International Shipping Eligible; Condition. Collectible; New; Used; Availability. Include Out of Stock; Advertisement Fundamentalism and American Culture (New Edition) by George M .
Criticism of atheism - Wikipedia ~ Criticism of atheism is criticism of the concepts, validity, or impact of atheism, including associated political and social implications.Criticisms include positions based on the history of science, philosophical and logical criticisms, findings in the natural sciences, theistic apologetic arguments, arguments pertaining to ethics and morality, the effects of atheism on the individual, or the .
The Jesus Delusion / Download Books PDF/ePub and Read Online ~ Download The Jesus Delusion Ebook PDF. The Jesus Delusion. How the Christians created their God: The demystification of a world religion through scientific research by Heinz-Werner Kubitza. Publisher : Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag; Release : 2016-08-15; Pages : 282; ISBN : 3828865143; Language : En, Es, Fr & De; GET BOOK. The Bible is the most overrated book in the world, and Jesus of Nazareth .
New Atheism - Wikipedia ~ New Atheism was coined by the journalist Gary Wolf in 2006 to describe the positions promoted by some atheists of the twenty-first century. This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their .
The Fundamentals - Wikipedia ~ The Fundamentals: A Testimony To The Truth (generally referred to simply as The Fundamentals) is a set of ninety essays published between 1910 and 1915 by the Testimony Publishing Company of Chicago.It was initially published quarterly in twelve volumes, then republished in 1917 by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as a four-volume set. . Baker Books reprinted all four volumes under two .
The Battle for God - Wikipedia ~ The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a book by author Karen Armstrong published in 2000 by Knopf/HarperCollins which the New York Times described as "one of the most penetrating, readable, and prescient accounts to date of the rise of the fundamentalist movements in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam". The Battle for God traces the history of the rise of .
God Is Dead: Secularization in the West Religion and ~ 'Steve Bruce's book has all the hallmarks of his work: clarity, verve, graphic illustration and common sense. The argument is Bruce's cumulative statement of the secularization theme, bringing the various elements together in an impressive synthesis, as well as building in counter-arguments, such as those to do with the role of religion in ethnic solidarity.
(PDF) Atheism and Islam: A Contemporary Discourse ~ 63 Michel Onfray, In Defence of Atheism: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism and Islam (London: Serpent’s Trail, 2007 ). 64 Stephen LeDrew, The Evolution of Atheism , 46 – 50 .
Atheism and religion - Wikipedia ~ There is no single Christian approach toward atheism. . "Believers can have more than a little to do with the rise of atheism. To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion." In May 2013 .
Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of ~ Given the current international situation, with fundamentalism as a core issue, I was delighted to find mention of the modern author Ibn Warraq (a pseudonym), an ex-Muslim who wrote "Why I Am Not a Muslim" and who castigates Western society for not subjecting Islam to the critical method, as Christianity and other religions have been, and instead being afraid to criticize it. Something to .
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of ~ The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (English Edition) eBook: Sharlet, Jeff: : Kindle-Shop
Letter To A Christian Nation: : Harris, Sam ~ Letter To A Christian Nation / Harris, Sam / ISBN: 9780593058978 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Worldwide Evil and Misery - The Legacy of the 13 Satanic ~ Worldwide Evil and Misery - The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines (The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Book 1) (English Edition) eBook: de Ruiter, Robin, Springmeier,Fritz: : Kindle-Shop
The God Delusion: : Dawkins, Richard ~ Synopsis "The God Delusion" caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be .