Pdf lesen The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice (English Edition)
Rebecca Musser grew up in fear, concealing her family's polygamous lifestyle from the "dangerous" outside world. Covered head-to-toe in strict, modest clothing, she received a rigorous education at Alta Academy, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' school headed by Warren Jeffs. Always seeking to be an obedient Priesthood girl, in her teens she became the nineteenth wife of her people's prophet: 85-year-old Rulon Jeffs, Warren's father. Finally sickened by the abuse she suffered and saw around her, she pulled off a daring escape and sought to build a new life and family. The church, however, had a way of pulling her back in-and by 2007, Rebecca had no choice but to take the witness stand against the new prophet of the FLDS in order to protect her little sisters and other young girls from being forced to marry at shockingly young ages. The following year, Rebecca and the rest of the world watched as a team of Texas Rangers raided the Yearning for Zion Ranch, a stronghold of the FLDS. Rebecca's subsequent testimony would reveal the horrific secrets taking place behind closed doors of the temple, sending their leaders to prison for years, and Warren Jeffs for life. The Witness Wore Red is a gripping account of one woman's struggle to escape the perverse embrace of religious fanaticism and sexual slavery, and a courageous story of hope and transformation.
Lesen Sie das Buch The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice (English Edition)
The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous ~ The Witness Wore Red shines an unflattering spotlight on Rulon Jeffs, the FLDS "prophet," and his conniving, evil son, Warren, who would ascend to the throne upon Rulon’s death. Despite an age gap of over 60 years, Musser became the 19th “wife” of the senior (very senior) Jeffs. As Ms. Musser assimilates, there are re-occurring tensions between her and her new husband – he wants .
The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous ~ The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice by Musser, Rebecca (Paperback
The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous ~ The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice - Kindle edition by Musser, Rebecca. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice.
The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous ~ The Witness Wore Red (Paperback) The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice. By Rebecca Musser, M. Bridget Cook. Grand Central Publishing, 9781455527830, 352pp. Publication Date: June 17, 2014. Other Editions of This Title: Digital Audiobook (9/9/2013) Hardcover (9/10/2013) CD-Audio (9/10/2013) Compact Disc (9/3/2013)
The Witness Wore Red The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous ~ 31.10.2020, xova 658, 0 The Witness Wore Red The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice . The Witness Wore Red The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous
The Witness Wore Red (Audiobook CD) / Pima County Public ~ The Witness Wore Red The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice (Audiobook CD) : Musser, Rebecca : A gripping account of one woman's struggle to escape the perverse embrace of religious fanaticism and sexual slavery, and a courageous story of hope and transformation.
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