Ebook Beyond the Rapids: One Family's Triumph over Religious Persecution in Communist Ukraine
Beschreibung Beyond the Rapids: One Family's Triumph over Religious Persecution in Communist Ukraine
Imagine that you are a believer living in a communist country. You live with the knowledge that at any time you could be imprisoned, tortured, or killed simply because you are a Christian. A Reader's Favorite bronze medal winner, Beyond the Rapids is the true story of Ukrainian pastor Alexei Brynza and his wife, Valentina, who endured persecution in a culture that was hostile to their faith as they struggled to raise their four children as believers. Spanning the years from the Great Terror of the 1930s to the time when believing in Christ is no longer a crime, this close-knit Ukrainian family quietly persisted through the years, trusting God for everything. The Brynzas' children, forced to choose between God and the communist system, wrestled with temptations of ambition, popularity, love, and wealth. But God heard the faithful prayers of Alexei and Valentina, and the Brynza family was able to not only survive, but to thrive. Their son-in-law, Igor Yaremchuk, adds his own testimony of coming to Christ with the help of miracles and atheistic propaganda. Beyond the Rapids is a story for all believers everywhere. If you're concerned about the erosion of religious freedom, if you are discouraged because your children have wandered far from God, if you long to stand firm in your faith in all circumstances, the Brynzas' testimony of God's faithfulness will provide hope and inspiration as you are reminded afresh that God is with you, in every moment. As you sail through the torrents in your own life, God will meet you right where you are and guide you to the smooth water beyond the rapids. If you found inspiration and encouragement from Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand or The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun, you'll find that and more in Beyond the Rapids.
Lesen Sie das Buch Beyond the Rapids: One Family's Triumph over Religious Persecution in Communist Ukraine
Beyond The Rapids One Familys Triumph Over Religious ~ Beyond The Rapids One Familys Triumph Over Religious Persecution In Communist Ukraine by Evelyn Puerto, unknown edition,
Beyond the Rapids: One Family's Triumph over Religious ~ As a lover of history books, Beyond the Rapids really showed me an inside look into communist Russia that I never before experienced. I am heartened that not all the non-Christians are painted in one brush and this really adds to the legitimacy of the story. By the time you finish this book you will truly feel your faith strengthened.
Beyond the Rapids : One Family's Triumph over Religious ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Beyond the Rapids : One Family's Triumph over Religious Persecution in Communist Ukraine by Evelyn Puerto (Trade Paper) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Evelyn Puerto on How to Write Great Dialogue in a Story ~ After I wrote Beyond the Rapids (a true story about one family’s triumph over religious persecution in Communist Ukraine), I started to think I could actually write a novel. Who knew it would take me six years? But it was a switch to go from non-fiction to fiction, and I wanted to take the time to learn to write fiction well. Planning a Book Series. This is book one of a series, correct? How .
: Beyond the Rapids (9781632691392): Puerto ~ As a lover of history books, Beyond the Rapids really showed me an inside look into communist Russia that I never before experienced. I am heartened that not all the non-Christians are painted in one brush and this really adds to the legitimacy of the story. By the time you finish this book you will truly feel your faith strengthened.
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