PDF Ending Jihad
Beschreibung Ending Jihad
On a summer morning in 2016, Al Qaeda mastermind, Khalid Ibn al-Walid, directs a wave of terrorist attacks that devastates the United States. He is not a fanatical Islamist seeking entry to Paradise - nor are many of the Muslim jihadists he leads. Book 1 of Ending Jihad explores the complex motivations of Ibn al-Walid and five of his followers who are long-time U.S. residents.Already hobbled by high unemployment and a persistent recession, the attacks cripple the U.S. economy, putting it in real danger of falling behind those of China, Japan, and India.Book 2 of the novel follows the personal odyssey of Casey Moran, a retired general, who reluctantly gives up his seat in the U.S. Senate to lead the violent response to the attacks. It is a formidable assignment: the terrorists are independent of any nation state, do not have a targetable infrastructure, and operate without a formal military organization. Moran's decision to accept this role jeopardizes his marriage to his pacifist wife.In addition to the breadth of its storyline and political insights, "Ending Jihad" suggests provocative approaches to fighting an asymmetrical war.
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