Buch online Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul (English Edition)
Beschreibung Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul (English Edition)
It’s no revelation that in today’s world many people suffer from some form of spiritual crisis. But, fortunately, there is hope. In Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul, you’ll discover how you can reverse the impact of spiritual crisis and apply healing balm to the traumatized soul. A comprehensive, real-life approach to spiritual care, it gives you the understanding necessary to put a lid on the daily chaos that seeks to destroy those whose lives have been shattered by tragedy, terror, and disillusionment.Written from the perspective of a compassionate professional who has navigated the dark and turbulent waters of his own spiritual crises, Spiritual Crisis represents a loving cross-section of aid from the fields of pastoral theology, psychology, and health care. Christians and non-Christians alike will benefit from its frank approach to aiding troubled souls through the tough times of belief transition, loss of faith, and potentially damaging extremes in living and thinking. Specifically, you’ll read about: understanding the effects and roots of spiritual crisis and trauma coping with loss counteracting disillusionment with the church negotiating belief transitions dealing with religious burnout intervening in denominational identity crisesOftentimes, it’s hard to know what will make a loved one survive or succumb to the impact of seemingly insurmountable personal emergencies. However, this book is a “call to care” that will enable you to help others turn back the tide of debilitating hardship in their lives and restore the tempering unity of mind and body. Whether you’re a beginning pastoral counselor, a marriage and family therapist, or friend of a troubled loved one, Spiritual Crisis will show you and those you work with how to turn crisis into care.
Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul: J. LeBron ~ Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul represents a loving cross-section of aid from the fields of pastoral theology, psychology, and health care. Christians and non-Christians alike will benefit from its frank approach to aiding troubled souls through the tough times of belief transition, loss of faith, and potentially damaging extremes in living and thinking.
Similar authors to follow - ~ In Spiritual Crisis: Surviving Trauma to the Soul, you’ll discover how you can reverse the impact of spiritual crisis and apply healing balm to the traumatized soul. A comprehensive, real-life approach to spiritual care, it gives you the understanding necessary to put a lid on the daily chaos that seeks to destroy those whose lives have been shattered by tragedy, terror, and disillusionment.
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Soul - Wikipedia ~ The Modern English word "soul", derived from Old English sáwol, sáwel which means immortal principle in man, was first attested in the 8th century poem Beowulf v. 2820 and in the Vespasian Psalter 77.50 .It is cognate with other German and Baltic terms for the same idea, including Gothic saiwala, Old High German sêula, sêla, Old Saxon sêola, Old Low Franconian sêla, sîla, Old Norse .
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