Buch lesen Lockdown: THE VIRUS WAS NOT THE CAUSE
Beschreibung Lockdown: THE VIRUS WAS NOT THE CAUSE
There is no going back to the old “normal”. What you used to know as “your life” is no more. This rebuilding phase, disguised as a “pandemic”, has been well prepared and none of this has to do with a virus or a health hazard. In 2019, a great reset of the monetary, economic and political system was long overdue. The tension could be felt everywhere. The elite, the “Secret World Government” finally wanted to implement their “New World Order”. They were tired of the delusion of free elections, individual rights and self-realization. As long as we were needed as work force they played along, but now that robots and AI are better and faster than us we became dispensable.However, neither those responsible for the old system nor their puppets in politics and the media were willing to take the blame for a major system crash. They feared the rage of the masses. What they needed was a scapegoat, something or someone to be held responsible for the great reset, a complete redesign of our way of living and for many of us the right for living.And then the Chinese presented the perfect way out of their dilemma: an enemy that nobody can see or fight or even understand. SARS-COV-2 is a political virus, designed in a lab in China with Western support and knowing. This is a proven fact. This common cold virus did not come unforeseen. There was a clear build-up of events in 2019 that led to the worldwide lockdown with all its consequences, ranging from intelligence reports to Bill Gates’ Event 201 to a Climate Emergency in Europe after faked elections.Even with the easing of lockdown measures in some areas or countries this experiment is far from over. It has just begun. Do you think that politicians or so-called “scientists” and “journalists” will voluntarily renounce their newly gained powers and the attention that they so enjoy? This is a serious political, social, economical and spiritual crisis. This is as serious as it can get. This is Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 all combined. This is the ultimate fight “Good” versus “Evil”. What do you want this world be, for yourself and for your descendants: fearful and oppressive or loving and creative? Find out what lies behind it and get ready to act.
Lockdown by Peter May - Goodreads ~ It was an okay read but not as good as May's other books. There was a good story and many instances where the author was amazingly prescient regarding what would happen in a lockdown due to a virus. I would have liked to have felt more towards the characters who were all a little superficial. The ending (view spoiler)].more. flag 44 likes · Like · see review. Jun 14, 2020 Brenda rated it .
Books? Hairdressers? Europeans split on lockdown essentials ~ French supermarkets will be prohibited from selling books, make-up, clothes and other goods considered as non essential as smaller businesses have been forced to shut down amid virus lockdown. (AP Photo/Nadine Achoui-Lesage) 5 / 11. Virus Outbreak Essentials. In this Oct. 23, 2020 file photo, a waiter clears a table at a cafe in Piazza Navona Square before the start of a curfew. In times when .
Death by Lockdown – AIER ~ These two economists demonstrated that as bad as a virus is, policies that wreck normal social functioning will cause massive and completely unnecessary suffering and death. Because the article was so well-cited, with references to all the available literature, I thought it would make a difference. But after it appeared, it was crickets. I was amazed. Here you have a beautiful piece of .
Biden's coronavirus advisers nix national US lockdown ~ Osterholm clarified in an interview with ABC on Thursday that he did not discuss a lockdown with anyone on the advisory board and he did not think there was a national consensus for it. "Nobody's .
Impossible to wipe off Covid-19 spread through lockdown ~ Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Saturday said it is "impossible to wipe off" Covid-19 transmission through a lockdown as the virus has "spread through the community" and people should .
Talking about how lockdown affects mental health doesn't ~ According to the Lancet, children’s mental health deteriorated in lockdown more than any other age group, while eight in 10 young people reported that the pandemic had made their mental health .
Coronavirus update: Another national lockdown won't ~ However, this is the exception and not the rule, with diseases such as malaria, HIV, Ebola virus and influenza still causing deaths worldwide. Casting a sinister shadow, historians reference the .
Lebanon begins two-week lockdown to limit spread of virus ~ The virus case numbers began rising quickly following a massive Aug. 4 blast at Beirut’s port that killed and wounded many and caused damage worth billions of dollars across the city. The situation worsened over the next weeks as many people did not abide by social distancing or wear masks.
Liberty or Lockdown – AIER ~ Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and nine books in 5 languages, most recently Liberty or Lockdown.He is also the editor of The Best of Mises.He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.
What’s Behind The WHO’s Lockdown Mixed-Messaging – AIER ~ Last week, in a major departure from months of pro-lockdown messaging, Britain’s envoy to the WHO Dr. David Nabarro called for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies as a “primary method” of controlling COVID19. “I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Dr. Nabarro .
The Case for Lockdown Reparations – AIER ~ Whether or not you agree on the efficacy of lockdown orders, the economic damage is undeniable. From a macro perspective, Q2 GDP dropped 32.9% in the course of three months. That’s the worst contraction in modern American history, undeniably due to Covid-19 and the resulting lockdown measures. For comparison, Taiwan, a country that did not lock down and controlled the virus, saw a mere Q2 .
France back in coronavirus lockdown as US surges to daily ~ PARIS, Oct 30 — France was under a new virus lockdown today, as the resurgent pandemic hit new heights in the United States with a daily record of more than 90,000 cases, just days before the presidential election. From midnight, France’s 65 million people were largely confined to their homes,.
South Australia says man’s ‘lie’ caused coronavirus ~ South Australia says man's 'lie' caused coronavirus lockdown as harsh curbs eased South Australia says man’s ‘lie’ caused coronavirus lockdown as harsh curbs eased While the outbreak was still worrying, Marshall said restrictions would be lifted early with a stay-at-home order ending at midnight on Saturday when most businesses would also be allowed to open.
It Was a Mistake to Close Schools, UK Study Concedes – AIER ~ Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and nine books in 5 languages, most recently Liberty or Lockdown.He is also the editor of The Best of Mises.He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.
Lebanon begins partial lockdown amid spike in virus cases ~ Virus cases had already been on the rise since the beginning of July, when an earlier lockdown was lifted and Lebanon’s only international airport was reopened. At the end of June, Lebanon registered 1,778 cases. That number has since multiplied more than five times in seven weeks.
England to enter new lockdown; UK virus cases pass 1 million ~ As in other European countries, virus cases in the U.K. began to climb after lockdown measures were eased in the summer and people began to return to workplaces, schools, universities and social life. The Office for National Statistics estimated Friday that 1 in 100 people in England, well over half a million, had the virus in the week to Oct. 23.
Living in lockdown limbo is not the solution to the ~ Living in lockdown limbo is not the solution to the pandemic says DAVID LIVERMORE Finally, there's light at the end of the Covid tunnel. Pfizer's vaccine reduced infections by 90 per cent.
England faces new lockdown as UK virus cases pass 1 ~ As in other European countries, virus cases in the U.K. began to climb after lockdown measures were eased in the summer and people began to return to workplaces, schools, universities and social life.
Signals: Lockdown beziehen – Microsoft Store de-DE ~ Signals: Lockdown is the story based puzzle game from the creators of award winning game Pocket Sheep. In the summer of 2024, a hacker, known only as Stark, is trying to escape the AI protected prison to uncover the truth about AI plot to cause war between the USA and China. UNIQUE GAME MECHANICS Your pen is your soldering iron. Connect components and escape the lockdown. Pen, touch and mouse .
Macron imposes new virus lockdown as French hospitals ~ French President Emmanuel Macron announced Wednesday a new coronavirus lockdown until at least Dec.1, hoping to bring under control an outbreak that is poised to overwhelm hospitals in a matter of .