Buch Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts
Beschreibung Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts
A surefire way to increase your motivation, strength, speed, explosiveness, endurance and timing - The Way Alone. This book about solo training includes tips on weight training, practicing reps and kata, bag work and cardiovascular training anytime, anywhere.
Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts ebooks
Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts ~ Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts / Christensen, Loren W. / ISBN: 9780873644211 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Way Alone: Your Path To Excellence In The Martial Arts ~ Of all the martial-arts writers, Mr. Christensen is one of the foremost sources on purely practical training for REAL COMBAT. He is a former Army military policeman (a Veitnam veteran), and a veteran of civilian law-enforcemnet. In many of his books he includes real-life accounts of violent encounters which he has experienced, utilized to illustrate a point in his discussion.
Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts by ~ Start by marking “Way Alone: Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts” as Want to Read: . Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts by. Loren W. Christensen (Goodreads Author), Super Dan Anderson (Foreword) really liked it 4.00 · Rating details · 23 ratings · 0 reviews A surefire way to increase your motivation, strength, speed, explosiveness, endurance and timing - The Way Alone .
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The Art in Martial Arts / YMAA ~ Like artisans everywhere, the martial trainee needs to be focused on the art and completely devoted to excellence. This requires sacrifice, discipline, and a certain mental toughness. The artisan's apprenticeship is a long and hard path to walk. It is filled with effort, criticism, frequent failure, and a relentless need not to be self-delusional. The artisan's absolute standard means that .
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How to Teach Yourself Martial Arts (with Pictures) - wikiHow ~ Martial arts are a good way to boost self-respect. When you start training, you will begin to understand yourself better. This will help you understand and respect others as well. Martial arts will help you define and overcome your weaknesses. They are challenging and empowering at the same time. 2. Research different martial arts. Before you start kicking trees and punching walls, do some .
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