Buch Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith?: A Shattering Book That Asks, "Is the Gradualism of Darwin Supported by Scientific Evidence, and Should it be the Only ... Taught in Public Schools?" (English Edition)
Beschreibung Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith?: A Shattering Book That Asks, "Is the Gradualism of Darwin Supported by Scientific Evidence, and Should it be the Only ... Taught in Public Schools?" (English Edition)
This fully documented book of more than 350 pages takes on the evolutionists' teachings that conflict with the Bible, science, and common sense. Boys approaches the issue in a militant fashion since he believes the battle is for the minds and souls of men. In 31 hard-hitting chapters the author deals with: the origin of the universe and life; the reliability of the Bible; the lack of credibility of radiometric dating; missing links; intelligent design; dinosaurs; the global Flood; Noah's Ark; geologic column; theistic evolution; gap theory; evolution as a religion; scientific frauds; age of the universe and world; and many other interesting subjects.
Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith?: A Shattering Book That Asks, "Is the Gradualism of Darwin Supported by Scientific Evidence, and Should it be the Only ... Taught in Public Schools?" (English Edition) ebooks
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