PDF Karate Kata Applications
Beschreibung Karate Kata Applications
In the practice of karate, throughout the world and all levels, there is one sure constant - the Kata. These formal sequences of karate techniques form the basis of all proper practice, and their range in degree of difficulty means that they can be taught throughout a student's career. This new edition, which first appeared as two separate volumes, covers the first thirteen Shotokan Kata: Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan, Heian Godan, Tekki Shodan, Bassai-Dai, Empi, Sochin, Jion, Hangetsu and Nijushiho. Fully illustrated with photographs of each move, the accompanying text explains each sequence fully and clearly with a thorough investigation of the Kata's 'bunkai' or application. The authors concentrate not only on physical conditioning, but also on the correct mental and spiritual attitude. Complete with an exploration of the historical background and development of the Kata, this book will prove indispensable to all students of karate.
Karate Kata Applications Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Karate Kata and Applications: Vince Morris, Aidan Trimble ~ There are probably more books published on karate and kata than on any other martial art system and I have had the opportunity to read and review most of them. This Crescent edition book was published in 1995, but the kata and applications are still valid and relevant for those practicing karate in 2012. In fact, this book is organized in a way that anyone studying karate from a competent .
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Shotokan Karate von Joachim Grupp portofrei bei bücher ~ Joachim Grupp betreibt seit 1976 Karate. Er ist Träger des 7. DAN im Shotokan Karate und Trainer eines Karatevereins in Berlin. Von ihm erschienen im Meyer & Meyer Verlag die Bücher "Shotokan Karate. Technik, Training, Prüfung", "Shotokan Karate KATA 1", "Shotokan Karate KATA 2" und "Shotokan Karate Kumite".