Pdf lesen Karate Beyond Kata: melting ice into water
Beschreibung Karate Beyond Kata: melting ice into water
Why train in kata? What benefits can it bring? How can we turn something so static into a dynamic part of our regular training? What role should solo training play in a repertoire?“John has done a brilliant job of methodically and logically explaining his approach to bunkai! Conclusions and workings are clearly articulated in a work that is sure to be hugely popular and influential” Iain Abernethy "An excellent synthesis of the last 30 years of practical karate research." Bill Burgar"Karate has become a generic label, so I think it is important that contemporary practitioners are contextually conscious toward their individual training goals, to ensure they are travelling along the right path. John has created this excellent, thoroughly researched, educational and thought-provoking book that serves to represent an in-depth study of karate for civilian self-protection. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to explore karate under the surface." Chris Denwood"We need more books like this: high value, precisely written, innovative and thought provoking. "Karate Beyond Kata" provides martial artists with a step-by-step diagnostic snd self-reflective algorithm providing practitioners with the door to evolve and adapt naturally within their own training syllabus and current mindset. Get it. I did!" Chris Hanson"John intelligently explores and dives deep into vital and at times controversial topics which are essential to karate's effectiveness and growth as a martial arts system. A must read for those who like to progress their understanding and breadth of karate knowledge." Leigh Simms
Karate Beyond Kata: melting ice into water ebooks
Bunkai-Jutsu: The Practical Application of Karate Kata ~ Karate Beyond Kata: melting ice into water John Titchen. 5.0 out of 5 stars 3. Paperback. ÂŁ23.00 . Bubishi: The Classic Manual of Combat Patrick McCarthy. 4.6 out of 5 stars 243. Paperback. 6 offers from ÂŁ21.70. Karate Kata Applications Aidan Trimble. 3.7 out of 5 stars 27. Paperback. ÂŁ20.00. Only 2 left in stock (more on the way). Shotokan Karate - The Definitive Guide: Beginning to Black .
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