Buch lesen Mind Warrior:: Strategies for Total Mind Domination (English Edition)
Beschreibung Mind Warrior:: Strategies for Total Mind Domination (English Edition)
From Dr. Haha Lung, the master of mental manipulation, come these ancient mind-control techniques to overcome any foe!The true secret to vanquishing your enemies—whether on the battlefield, in the conference room, or even in a barroom brawl—is truly knowing and understanding both yourself and your foe. Once again the elusive Dr. Haha Lung is your master, delving deeply into the historical, psychological, spiritual, and mystical elements of ancient Far Eastern teachings to present the essential tools and skills you need to control any dangerous situation, including:• Sun-Tzu's Art of Kaimen: Breaking down the "gates of the mind"• The Nine Ways of the Ronin: Ancient techniques from Musashi, Japan's greatest swordsman • Arts of Espionage: Applying the secrets of the ancient spy-masters• The Seven Ways of Learning: Devious methods for manipulating your enemy's perception• The Seven Spirits: Understanding—and exploiting—personality flawsBE ADVISED: Mind Slayers! is for academic study ONLY.Dr. Haha Lung is the author of more than a dozen books on martial arts, including Mind Penetration, Mind Fist, The Nine Halls of Death, Assassin!, Mind Manipulation, Knights of Darkness, Mind Control: The Ancient Art of Psychological Warfare, The Lost Fighting Arts of Vietnam, and with co-author Christopher B. Prowant, Mind Assassins, Ninja Shadowland, and Mental Dominance.
Mind Warrior:: Strategies for Total Mind Domination (English Edition) PDF ePub
Mind Warrior: Lung, Dr. Haha: 9780806532004: : Books ~ Dr. Haha Lung is the author of more than a dozen books on martial arts, including Mind Penetration, Mind Fist, The Nine Halls of Death, Assassin!, Mind Manipulation, Knights of Darkness, Mind Control: The Ancient Art of Psychological Warfare, The Lost Fighting Arts of Vietnam, and with co-author Christopher B. Prowant, Mind Assassins, Ninja Shadowland, and Mental Dominance.
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