Ebook The Techniques Of Judo
Beschreibung The Techniques Of Judo
The Techniques of Judo is a fully illustrated and authoritative manual, providing step-by-step explanations, practical pointers, and thorough analyses of all the most commonly used techniques of judo. Illustrated with over 550 black and white photographs, this book is an invaluable introduction for the beginner as well as a complete repertory for the advanced practitioner.
The Techniques Of Judo ebooks
[PDF] [EPUB] The Techniques of Judo Download - Get Best Books ~ “The Techniques of Judo” is a fully illustrated and authoritative manual, providing step-by-step explanations, practical pointers, and thorough analyses of all the most commonly used techniques of judo. Illustrated with over 550 black and white photographs, this book is an invaluable introduction for the beginner as well as a complete repertory for the advanced practitioner.
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The Canon of Judo: Classic Teachings on Principles and ~ The Canon of Judo: Classic Teachings on Principles and Techniques / Mifune, Kyuzo, White, Françoise / ISBN: 9784770029799 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The art of Judo / BĂĽcher / Judo / Mediathek / Ju-Sports ~ Gleich vorneweg: das Buch ist auf Englisch, Autor: Patrick Roux: The chronicles in this book are organised around five main topics: technique, training, the champion, the teacher and the coach, and the values of judo. These texts reflect a lifelong practice of judo, analysed and enhanced through the study of sport science, training and educational theories. The author belongs to the last .
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