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Beschreibung Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
The late twentieth century has witnessed the emergence of an unexpected and extraordinary phenomenon: Islamist political movements. Beginning in the early 1970s, militants revolted against the regimes in power throughout the Muslim world and exacerbated political conflicts everywhere. Their jihad, or “Holy Struggle,” aimed to establish a global Islamic state based solely on a strict interpretation of the Koran. Religious ideology proved a cohesive force, gathering followers ranging from students and the young urban poor to middle-class professionals.After an initial triumph with the Islamic revolution in Iran, the movement waged jihad against the USSR in Afghanistan, proclaiming for the first time a doctrine of extreme violence. By the end of the 1990s, the failure to seize political power elsewhere led to a split: movement moderates developed new concepts of “Muslim democracy” while extremists resorted to large-scale terrorist attacks around the world.Jihad is the first extensive, in-depth attempt to follow the history and geography of this disturbing political-religious phenomenon. Fluent in Arabic, Gilles Kepel has traveled throughout the Muslim world gathering documents, interviews, and archival materials inaccessible to most scholars, in order to give us a comprehensive understanding of the scope of Islamist movements, their past, and their present. As we confront the threat of terrorism to our lives and liberties, Kepel helps us make sense of the ominous reality of jihad today.
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam PDF ePub
Kepel, G: Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam: ~ Kepel, G: Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam / Kepel, Gilles / ISBN: 9781845112578 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Jihad : the trail of political Islam : Kepel, Gilles ~ Jihad : the trail of political Islam by Kepel, Gilles. Publication date 2002 Topics Islam, POLITICS & GOVERNMENT, Politics/International Relations, Islam and politics, International Relations - General, Political Science, Politics / Current Events, Jihad, History & Theory - General, Islam - History, Public Policy - Regional Planning, Political Process - Political Parties, 20th century .
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam: : Gilles ~ Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam / Gilles Kepel / ISBN: 9781860646850 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam By: Gilles Kepel ~ [Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam] (By: Gilles Kepel) [published: February, 2006] / Gilles Kepel / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Jihad — Gilles Kepel / Harvard University Press ~ Jihad The Trail of Political Islam. Gilles Kepel Translated by Anthony F. Roberts. Add to Cart Product Details. PAPERBACK. $30.00 • £24.95 • €27.00 ISBN 9780674010901. Publication Date: 03/31/2003. Short. 464 pages. 6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches. 7 maps. Belknap Press. North America only. Related Subjects. HISTORY: Middle East: General ; HISTORY: Civilization; RELIGION: Islam: General; About .
Jihad (April 15, 2002 edition) / Open Library ~ Jihad The Trail of Political Islam This edition published in April 15, 2002 by Belknap Press. ID Numbers Open Library OL7670762M Internet Archive jihad00gill_0 ISBN 10 0674008774 ISBN 13 9780674008779 Library Thing 325963 Goodreads 1746794. Lists containing this Book. Loading Related Books. History Created December 10, 2009; 8 revisions; Download catalog record: RDF / JSON. August 19, 2020 .
Review: Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam Gilles Kepel ~ Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam Gilles Kepel London I. B. Tauris 2002 441 HB£25.00 1–86064–685–9
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Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam: Kepel, Gilles ~ The first in-depth history of political Islam appropriate for newcomers to Islamic history.”―John Green, Booklist “In Jihad Gilles Kepel offers a masterly display of scholarship that describes how a radical idea spread through large segments of the Islamic world in the 1970s and 1980s… Mr. Kepel leads us on a breathtaking excursion. He trails the Islamist movements that have traversed Europe in recent years, founding radical communities in France, Britain, Germany and Belgium.”
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam - Wikipedia ~ Jihad The Trail of Political Islam (French: Jihad: Expansion et DĂ©clin de l"Islamisme) is a book by French author and scholar Gilles Kepel. It was originally published in French in 2000 by Gallimard, with English translations by Anthony F. Roberts from Belknap Press in 2002 and I.B. Tauris in 2006.
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel 2003 ~ Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel (2003-03-31) / Gilles Kepel / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Jihadism - Wikipedia ~ Jihadism (also known as jihadist movement, jihadi movement, and variants) is a 21st-century neologism found in Western languages to describe militant Islamic movements perceived "existentially threatening" to the West, and "rooted in political Islam". It has been described as a "difficult term to define precisely", because it remains a recent neologism with no single, generally accepted meaning.
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Jihad: the trail of Political Islam - YouTube ~ Speaker: Professor Gilles Kepel Chair: Professor Arne Westad This event was recorded on 24 November 2009 in Old Theatre, Old Building Political Islam has eme.
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