Buch lesen House of War: Islam's Jihad Against the World
Beschreibung House of War: Islam's Jihad Against the World
Over the past several decades, countless wars and terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by various groups and individuals claiming to act in the name of Islam. Yet Western leaders of virtually every stripe and party have consistently affirmed their belief that, despite the violence done in its name, Islam is a "religion of peace." The critical question is, who is right? Do Muslims who wage violent jihad against unbelievers fundamentally misunderstand their own religion? Or are Western leaders taking refuge in a comfortable fiction while shielding themselves from an exceedingly difficult truth? With the West engaged in military operations in multiple Islamic countries and with growing Muslim minorities at home, the answer is of critical importance to the future of Western Civilization.Relying primarily on Islam's own sources, House of War: Islam's Jihad Against the World, formerly Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against the World and now available in paperback, cogently demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government. Islam is as much a system of government as it is a religion, and it seeks to extend its own peculiar legal code, Sharia law, over the entire world. Islamic doctrine divides the world into two conflicting realms, the House of Islam, where Islamic law holds sway, and the House of War, the rest of the world on which war must be waged until Islam is triumphant. The "peace" that Islam seeks is a world united by the Islamic faith and Sharia law in which all others faiths and political regimes have been suppressed or eliminated. "Jihad" is the violent struggle against the House of War world to bring it into "submission" (Islam) to Islamic rule.Westerners have been indoctrinated to believe that the jihadists they see on television are extremists who have twisted their religion to serve a violent purpose. In fact, their actions are right out of orthodox Islam and are grounded in the Koran and the life of Muhammad. By delving into the Islamic writings, Davis reveals the fastest growing religion in the world for what it is, a violent, expansionary ideology that poses an existential threat to Western Civilization—a fact to which Western leaders remain determinedly blind.
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House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World: Davis, G. M ~ Islamic doctrine divides the world into two conflicting realms, the House of Islam, where Islamic law holds sway, and the House of War, the rest of the world on which war must be waged until Islam is triumphant. The "peace" that Islam seeks is a world united by the Islamic faith and Sharia law in which all others faiths and political regimes have been suppressed or eliminated. "Jihad" is the .
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Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World: ~ Islam's War Against the World. Gregory M. Davis. Gregory M. Davis. These observations come despite the facts, which might lead a reasonable person in the West to entertain doubts about Muhammad; facts such as this: The Prophet wrote the marriage contract with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old.
The Legacy Of Jihad: Islamic Holy War And The Fate Of Non ~ The Legacy of Jihad was a key resource for me, providing legal and historical bases for my third novel, A Summons To Perdition. Dr. Bostom has given us a most valuable gift, which we should put to good use in educating ourselves to what we are really up against in this World War. I highly recommend The Legacy of Jihad. A national understanding .
Islam And Terrorism Revised And Updated Edition : The ~ THE PROMINENCE OF JIHAD (WAR AGAINST INFIDELS) IN ISLAMIC THEOLOGY; THE GOALS OF ISIS AND THE IMPACT OF IT SWIFT GROWTH AND IMPACT ; The motive behind Islamic world activity will no longer be a mystery. You will learn how each action is rooted in the philosophy of Islam. Now both the Christian and the political world must decide how to react to Muhammad's revelation. Beliebte Taschenbuch .
Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the Twenty-First ~ The biggest danger Dr. Sagemen warns of is casting all of Islam into one image, that of the radical Jihad, and thus turning all of the Muslim world against the West. Dr. Sageman repeatedly calls for working with the moderate, peaceful, vast majority of Muslims and assisting them in controlling their right fringe. Otherwise, if the West angers all of Muslim, the West will find itself far .
Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War: : Gorka ~ America is at war. The fight against global jihad has cost 7,000 American lives and almost $2 trillion, and yet, most Americans do not understand what is at stake. The public lacks knowledge and safety because two presidents and their administrations neglected the most basic strategic question: who is the enemy? Presidents Bush and Obama both named the global jihadi movement—a movement with .
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns ~ In 1975 she was ten years old and living in Southern Lebanon, when militant Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into her country and declared jihad against the Lebanese Christians. Lebanon was the only Christian influenced country in the Middle East, and the Lebanese Civil War was the first front in what has become the worldwide jihad of fundamentalist Islam against non-Muslim .
Rashid, A: Jihad - The Rise of Militant Islam in Central ~ The Western perception of Jihad, influenced considerably by the crusades in the middle age is one of an Islamic holy was fought against the non-believers. Contrary to this concept the prophet of Islam Muhammad professed Greater Jihad which is one where each Muslim attempts to become a better person and struggles to improve one self, in doing so benefits the community and society in which they .
Thalia Online Shop / Bücher, eBooks, Spielzeug, uvm. kaufen ~ Der Thalia-Newsletter. 10%-Willkommensgutschein zur Erstanmeldung (gilt nicht für preisgebundene Ware) Rechtliche Hinweise Rechtliche Hinweise. Mit dem Abschicken dieser Anmeldung erlauben Sie uns, Sie regelmäßig und kostenlos per E-Mail und/oder per personalisierter Anzeige auf fremden Kanälen (z.B. über soziale Medien) über Themen rund um den Webshop Thalia (z.B. Produkte, (Filial .
Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam Is Subverting America ~ Lawrence says, simply, that jihad is the Moslems' war against Christianity. Spencer's 2008 book, "Stealth Jihad," is about the "peaceful," non-violent forms the jihad against Christianity can take today. It is well researched, and ultimately quite convincing. Spencer reports on current Islamic imperialism and Islamic supremacism. The sudden appearance of Muslims in every Western country since .
Islam: The Enemy: : Crandall, Richard ~ The attacks on 9/11 were part of a 1,400 year Islamic jihad against the non-Islamic world. Since 9/11 there have been over 10,000 additional violent jihads. In addition, there have been thousands of "soft jihads" where Muslims have attempted to replace Western culture with that of Islam. The jihadists are motivated by the core principles of Islam with the goal of converting, killing, or .
BBC - Religions - Islam: Jihad ~ Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary Many modern writers claim that the main meaning of Jihad is the internal spiritual struggle, and this is accepted by many Muslims.
Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me ~ The premise of "Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me" by Geert Wilders is that Europe is under rapid Islamization, a process that must be curtailed in order to preserve the indigenous European culture**. The swift rise in the arrival of Muslim immigrants, compounded by their high birth rate, a minuscule rate of assimilation, and the push for Sharia Law, is a pathway to the .
Ghost Wars (eBook, ePUB) von Steve Coll - bücher ~ Here he gives the full inside story of the CIA's covert funding of an Islamic jihad against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, explores how this sowed the seeds of bn Laden's rise, traces how he built his global network and brings to life the dramatic battles within the US government over national security. Above all, he lays bare American intelligence's continual failure to grasp the rising threat .
Marked for Death Islam's War Against the West and Me ~ The premise of "Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me" by Geert Wilders is that Europe is under rapid Islamization, a process that must be curtailed in order to preserve the indigenous European culture**. The swift rise in the arrival of Muslim immigrants, compounded by their high birth rate, a minuscule rate of assimilation, and the push for Sharia Law, is a pathway to the .
Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad: ~ Written by one of our nation’s greatest prosecutors, who understood early on from his successful prosecution of the 1993 World Trade Center plotters what our country was up against, Andy McCarthy tells the shocking story of our nation’s refusal to acknowledge the deadly adversary we are facing. His mesmerizing analysis of the nature of radical jihad’s war against the West will change the .