Ebook Journey into Love (English Edition)
Beschreibung Journey into Love (English Edition)
“I discovered late in life that God is love. I finally put aside the need to judge…I discovered that my arrogance, the kind of arrogance that I used to live and thrive in; the arrogance of Fundamentalism, of putting God in a box and saying “He only works in the box”-limited God and my experience of God.” Rev Ed Kelly JrDoes God use one exclusive “way” or different paths to bring his children into light and love? Where do we acquire our first image of God? Could some of our beliefs be an illusion? What if there is a different way of viewing the “traditional interpretations” of the Bible stories we grew up with? Is it possible that our perceptions, our theology, religious traditions and interpretations are keeping us from realizing the presence of God?In his book, “Journey into Love,” Rev Ed Kelly Jr shares some thoughts about these questions as he tells the story of his transformation from being a condemning Fundamentalist preacher to being a messenger of God’s inclusive unconditional love. Beginning with his childhood, Ed reveals how he developed the image of a “monster God” and how that image dominated his life and influenced his fire-brimstone preaching. Through a series of synchronistic events, a depressive suicide crisis and subsequent recovery, Ed began to do something very frightening. He began to question his beliefs. Using the mythical character, Jonah from the Hebrew Scriptures, (a type of fundamentalist), Ed shares a moving and profound story about a spiritual journey of self-discovery that gives a valuable lesson for our time- the hope that change is possible.
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