Pdf lesen Thorsons Principles of Tai Chi: The Only Practical Introduction You'll Ever Need: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
Beschreibung Thorsons Principles of Tai Chi: The Only Practical Introduction You'll Ever Need: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
An audio adaptation of the bestselling Principles title. This 90-minute tape offers a simple and practical introduction to this beautiful martial art that originated in Ancient China. Tai Chi is practised through a series of continuous flowing movements which encourage the flow of chi, or life-force energy. This 90-minute tape offers you a simple and practical way to learn the basic elements of Tai Chi. It includes: * the correct methods of practice *how Tai Chi can increase your energy * how Tai Chi can improve your health and enhance personal and spiritual development.
Lesen Sie das Buch Thorsons Principles of Tai Chi: The Only Practical Introduction You'll Ever Need: The Only Introduction You'll Ever Need
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