Pdf lesen Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique
Beschreibung Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique
This ground-breaking work is the first to comprehensively document the traditions, philosophy, and techniques of one of the world's most varied, exciting, and practical martial arts—Hapkido. More than 9,000 photographs introduce over 2,000 martial techniques, including strikes, kicks, blocks, avoiding movements, holds, joint locks, chokes, throws, falls, tumbling, ground fighting, and weapons. Numerous closeups show precise grips, leverage methods, pressure points, hitting surfaces, and direction of force. In addition to self-defense techniques, chapters are included on East Asian philosophy, martial arts history, anatomy, meditation, healing, and pressure point fighting, as well as in-depth, previously unpublished interviews with the world's preeminent Hapkido Grandmasters and renowned Grandmasters of related martial arts. Because of similarities between Hapkido and many other martial arts, including Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Aikido, Judo, and Tai Chi Chuan, this book is a useful reference for practitioners of all martial arts styles, from novices to masters. This unique work of exceptional quality is the definitive text on Hapkido, and destined to become a classic of martial arts literature.
Lesen Sie das Buch Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique
Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique by Marc ~ This ground-breaking work is the first to comprehensively document the traditions, philosophy, and techniques of one of the world’s most varied, exciting, and practical martial arts—Hapkido. More than 9,000 photographs introduce over 2,000 martial techniques, including strikes, kicks, blocks, avoiding movements, holds, joint locks, chokes, throws, falls, tumbling, ground fighting, and weapons. Numerous closeups show precise grips, leverage methods, pressure points, hitting surfaces, and .
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Hapkido Traditions Philosophy Technique ~ Hapkido Traditions Philosophy Technique A 62-page supplement to the 840‑page second‑edition of Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique. This companion booklet presents a wealth of information on Korean language, terminology, the latest Olympic-Style competition rules, referee signals, and technique nomenclature used by major Taekwondo styles.
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Hapkido Traditions Philosophy Technique ~ Hapkido : Traditions, Philosophy, Technique . by Marc Tedeschi (First edition, 2000; third printing 2004, Hardcover) Product Summary This ground-breaking work is the first to comprehensively document the traditions, philosophy, and techniques of one of the world's most varied, exciting, and practical martial arts--Hapkido. More than 9,000 .
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Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique: Teaching ~ This ground-breaking work is the first to comprehensively document the traditions, philosophy, and techniques of one of the world's most varied, exciting, and practical martial arts—Hapkido. More than 9,000 photographs introduce over 2,000 martial techniques, including strikes, kicks, blocks, avoiding movements, holds, joint locks, chokes, throws, falls, tumbling, ground fighting, and weapons. Numerous closeups show precise grips, leverage methods, pressure points, hitting surfaces, and .
Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique: Tedeschi, Marc ~ This ground-breaking work is the first to comprehensively document the traditions, philosophy, and techniques of one of the world's most varied, exciting, and practical martial arts--Hapkido. More than 9,000 photographs introduce over 2,000 martial techniques, including strikes, kicks, blocks, avoiding movements, holds, joint locks, chokes, throws, falls, tumbling, ground fighting, and weapons. Numerous closeups show precise grips, leverage methods, pressure points, hitting surfaces, and .
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Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique: Tedeschi, Marc ~ This ground-breaking work is the first to comprehensively document the traditions, philosophy, and techniques of one of the world's most varied, exciting, and practical martial arts—Hapkido. More than 9,000 photographs introduce over 2,000 martial techniques, including strikes, kicks, blocks, avoiding movements, holds, joint locks, chokes, throws, falls, tumbling, ground fighting, and weapons. Numerous closeups show precise grips, leverage methods, pressure points, hitting surfaces, and .
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Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique (Hardcover ~ Taekwondo: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique (Hardcover) About This ItemWe aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. See our disclaimer The most comprehensive text ever written on the world's most widely practiced martial art--Taekwondo. Expertly integrates traditional and modern approaches, sport .