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Beschreibung Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective
Nearly thirty years ago, George Lindbeck wrote his seminal and highly influential work The Nature of Doctrine. Since that time, there has been no serious attempt at moving beyond the problems he lays out, in particular the problem of foundationalism. Upon This Rock is not merely a response to George Lindbeck's important work; it is an attempt to show how theology and religious discourse can truly move past the particular problems posed by foundationalism-the assumption of and search for so-called objective and universal standards-by looking at just one important discussion within the field: the modern discussion on the nature and function of doctrine. Upon This Rock offers an account of doctrine-an account that includes such topics as the authority of Scripture, biblical interpretation, and the role of the Church and the nature of her doctrine, among others-that moves the Church past the problems of foundationalism and back to her one true rock: Jesus Christ, her Lord.
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Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective (English Edition) eBook: Fossett, Robert L., Okamoto, Joel P.: : Kindle-Shop
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Upon this rock : the nature of doctrine from ~ Get this from a library! Upon this rock : the nature of doctrine from antifoundationalist perspective. [Robert L Fossett; Joel P Okamoto] -- "Nearly thirty years ago, George Lindbeck wrote his seminal and highly influential work The Nature of Doctrine. Since that time, there has been no serious attempt at moving beyond the problems he .
Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective eBook: Fossett, Robert L., Okamoto, Joel P.: .in: Kindle Store
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Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective - Kindle edition by Fossett, Robert L., Okamoto, Joel P.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective.
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Upon this rock : the nature of doctrine from ~ Boston University Libraries. Services . Navigate; Linked Data; Dashboard; Tools / Extras; Stats; Share . Social. Mail
Upon This Rock - The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Nearly thirty years ago, George Lindbeck wrote his seminal and highly influential work The Nature of Doctrine. Since that time, there has been no serious attempt at moving beyond the problems he la.
Upon This Rock The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Title: Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective; Released: 2013-06-19; Language: English; Pages: 200; ASIN: B00ED0PYFO
Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective by Robert L. Fossett (2013-06-19) / Robert L. Fossett / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective: Fossett, Robert L.: 9781610979351: Books - .ca
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Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from ~ Upon This Rock: The Nature of Doctrine from Antifoundationalist Perspective by Robert L. Fossett (2013-06-19): Robert L. Fossett: Books - .ca
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