Buch Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from Thailand's Warrior Elite
Beschreibung Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from Thailand's Warrior Elite
Get an in-depth exclusive into the training secrets and strategies of Thailand's legendary Muay Thai camps. Muay Thai is one of the most popular combat arts in the world. Thai boxers climb into the ring to do battle in nearly every country on the globe, entertaining millions with their lightning-fast kicks, fierce elbow strikes, and ruthless knees. But when it comes to awe-inspiring matches and masterful technique, there is no place on earth like Thailand. In Muay Thai Unleashed, Erich Krauss, who has trained and fought in Thailand, reveals the closely guarded secrets the professionals don't want you to know. With the help of more than 300 photos, Krauss and several of Thailand's champion Thai boxers describe, step by step, the training regimens and unmatched fighting techniques of Thailand's Muay Thai elite.
Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from Thailand's Warrior Elite Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from ~ Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from Thailand’s Warrior Elite [Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza, Tana Chun Yingwitayakhun] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from Thailand’s Warrior Elite
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Muay Thai Unleashed: Learn Technique and Strategy from ~ Let elite Muay Thai warriors turn your body into an unbeatable weapon! Written by professional Muay Thai fighters and trainers, Muay Thai Unleashed shows you how to master this feared and dangerous martial art. Author and trainer Erich Krauss, along with Muay Thai pros Glen Cordoza and Tana (Chun) Yingwitayakhun, teach you the same body-punishing techniques that are used at the highest levels .
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