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Beschreibung Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom
Tom Harpurs compelling spiritual journey from fundamentalism to mass media.Tom Harpur, the late author and host of numerous radio and television programs, was at the forefront of the modern challenge to humankinds spiritual identity. His radical and ground-breaking book The Pagan Christ touched the lives of thousands of seekers. In Born Again, he tells the story of his own search for spiritual understanding, and the result is a spiritual odyssey, the story of one mans escape from the narrow grip of religious fundamentalism.Born into an Irish immigrant family in Toronto, Tom Harpur was groomed for the ministry by his father from an early age. He won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford, then returned to Canada and enrolled in Wycliffe College, the bastion of Anglican evangelicalism. Ordained to the ministry, Tom Harpur served for a number of years in his own parish before seeking a wider ministry in the world of mass media.In 1971, Tom Harpur joined the Toronto Star as the religion editor and, over a number of years, reported on and met with many important spiritual figures, from Pope John Paul II to Mother Teresa, as he travelled around the globe.Perhaps Tom Harpurs most intimate book, Born Again is an important work of spiritual insight, revelation, and renewal, outlining the critical elements of his own path.
Lesen Sie das Buch Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom
Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom ~ With Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom he tells us the story of his own search and the result is a compelling spiritual odyssey, the story of one man’s escape from the narrow grip of religious fundamentalism. Born into an Irish immigrant family in Toronto, Tom Harpur was groomed for the ministry by his father from an early .
Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom ~ Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom - Kindle edition by Harpur, Tom. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom.
Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom ~ : Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom (9781459740235): Harpur, Tom: Books . or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Related video shorts (0) Upload your video . Be the first video Your name here. Customer reviews. 5.0 out of 5 stars. 5 out of 5. 5 customer ratings. 5 star 100% 4 star 0% (0%) 0% 3 star 0% (0%) 0% 2 star 0% (0%) 0% 1 star 0% (0%) 0% How does .
Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom by ~ The Paperback of the Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom by Tom Harpur at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $35 or more! FREE Shipping on $35 or more! Due to COVID-19, orders may be delayed.
Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom ~ Title: Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom Format: Paperback Product dimensions: 272 pages, 9 X 6 X 1 in Shipping dimensions: 272 pages, 9 X 6 X 1 in Published: December 9, 2017 Publisher: Dundurn Language: English
Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom, by ~ T.F. Rigelhof reviews Born Again: My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom, by Tom Harpur
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Tom Harpur speaks about his new book, Born Again, My ~ In the memoir, Born Again, My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom, Harpur, 82, recalls his Anglican childhood in east-end Toronto, his often adventurous travel for the paper, and his critique of.
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Tom Harpur - The Official Website ~ Tom Harpur's books, videos, and columns have made him a compelling spiritual leader for every generation and all faiths. Home Books Media Biography Contact "Who with the vision splendid, Is on his way attended." 1929 - 2017. Dominus Illuminatio Mea The Lord is my Light. On January 2, 2017, Tom Harpur passed away at the age of 87. Globe & Mail Article . Toronto Star Article. Owen Sound Sun .
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