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Beschreibung Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation) (English Edition)
Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But will the SAS patrol escape the deadly Malayan jungle alive?Malaya in the 1950s, and Communist terrorists wage a bloody war against the country’s estates and rubber plantation owners. Chased into the interior by British Army units, the guerrillas soon became experts at survival and evasion, emerging from the jungle only to launch increasingly ferocious attacks.On the recommendation of Lieutenant-Colonel ‘Mad’ Mike Calvert, veteran of Burma’s Chindit campaigns, 22 SAS is formed as a special counter-insurgency force. Three years later they begin their jungle patrols, learning how to survive for weeks at a time in hostile terrain, often waist-deep in water, and under attack from wild animals, leeches and poisonous insects.This extraordinary campaign climaxes in a nightmarish two weeks in the Telok Anson swamp tracking the troops of the notorious ‘Baby Killer’, Ah Hoi. What the regiment experiences in the Malayan jungle is both dreadful and unforgettable and will lay the foundations for the SAS’s legendary survival skills…
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Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation): : Shaun ~ Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation): : Shaun Clarke: Fremdsprachige Bücher. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken Bücher (Fremdsprachig) Los Suche DE Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen Bestellungen Entdecken Sie Prime Einkaufs-wagen. Bestseller .
Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation) (English Edition ~ Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation) (English Edition) eBook: Shaun Clarke: : Kindle-Shop
Guerrillas in the Jungle: SAS Operation (Hörbuch-Download ~ Guerrillas in the Jungle: SAS Operation (Hörbuch-Download): : Shaun Clarke, Sean Barrett, HarperCollins Publishers Limited: Audible Audiobooks
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Soldier F : SAS - Guerrillas in the Jungle by Shaun Clarke ~ Soldier F : SAS - Guerrillas in the Jungle by Shaun Clarke (1993-11-04) / Shaun Clarke / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Guerrillas in the Jungle Audiobook / Shaun Clarke ~ But will the SAS survive the inferno of Operation Desert Storm? August 1990, and Iraqi tanks are rolling into Kuwait, putting one-quarter of the world's oil reserves at risk. So begins Operation Desert Storm. As specialists in desert warfare, the legendary SAS are plunged into a maelstrom of covert operations, often deep inside enemy territory. Their mission: reconnaissance, espionage .
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Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation) - Shaun Clarke ~ But will the SAS patrol escape the deadly Malayan jungle alive? Malaya in the 1950s, and Communist terrorists wage a bloody war against the country’s estates and rubber plantation owners. Chased into the interior by British Army units, the guerrillas soon became experts at survival and evasion, emerging from the jungle only to launch increasingly ferocious attacks.
Shadow Commander: The Epic Story of Donald D. Blackburn ~ Shadow Commander: The Epic Story of Donald D. Blackburn—Guerrilla Leader and Special Forces Hero (English Edition) eBook: Mike Guardia: : Kindle-Shop
Guerrillas in the Jungle (SAS Operation) by Shaun Clarke ~ Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But will the SAS patrol escape the deadly Malayan jungle alive?Malaya in the 1950s, and Communist terrorists wage a blood.
: Guerrillas in the Jungle: SAS Operation ~ : Guerrillas in the Jungle: SAS Operation (Audible Audio Edition): Shaun Clarke, Sean Barrett, HarperCollins Publishers Limited: Audible Audiobooks
Guerrillas in the Jungle - Clarke Shaun / Public βιβλία ~ Guerrillas in the Jungle - Συγγραφέας: Clarke Shaun - ISBN: 9780008154974
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