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Beschreibung Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940
The relationship between Protestant fundamentalists and mass culture is often considered complex and ambiguous. Selling the Old-Time Religion examines this relationship and shows how the first generation of fundamentalists embraced the modern business and entertainment techniques of marketing, advertising, drama, film, radio, and publishing to spread the gospel. Selectively, and with more sophistication than has been accorded to them, fundamentalists adapted to the consumer society and popular culture with the accompanying values of materialism and immediate gratification, despite the seeming conflict between these values and certain tenets of their religious beliefs.Selling the Old-Time Religion is written by a fundamentalist who is based at the country's foremost fundamentalist institute of higher education. It is a candid and remarkable piece of scholarship that reveals from the inside the movement's first encounters with some of the media methods it now wields with well-documented virtuosity.Carl Abrams draws extensively on sermons, popular journals, and educational archives to reveal the attitudes and actions of the fundamental leadership and the laity. Abrams discusses how fundamentalists' outlook toward contemporary trends and events shifted from aloofness to engagement as they moved inward from the margins of American culture and began to weigh in on the day's issues--from jazz to "flappers"--in large numbers.Fundamentalists in the 1920s and 1930s "were willing to compromise certain traditions that defined the movement, such as premillennialism, holiness, and defense of the faith," Abrams concludes, "but their flexibility with forms of consumption and pleasure strengthened their evangelistic emphasis, perhaps the movement's core." Contrary to the myth of fundamentalism's demise after the Scopes Trial, the movement's uses of mass culture help explain their success in the decades following it. In the end fundamentalists imitated mass culture not to be like the world but to evangelize it.
Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Selling the Old-time Religion: American Fundamentalists ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion is written by a fundamentalist who is based at the country's foremost fundamentalist institute of higher education. It is a candid and remarkable piece of scholarship.
Review of Selling the Old Time Religion: American ~ Review of Selling the Old Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 by Douglas Carl Abrams
Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion is a wonderful contribution to the scholarly literature on twentieth-century Protestantism. (Religious Studies Review) Abrams’ work is a significant accomplishment in the field of American religious history. He has shed much light on the interesting relationship of fundamentalism and modernity. In addition, his work offers a great deal of insight on how popular culture informed conservative religion in America.
Reviews of Books:Selling the Old-Time Religion: American ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 Review by: Randall Balmer The American Historical Review, Vol. 108, No. 3 (June 2003), pp. 855-856 Published by .
MAF Download Selling the Old-Time Religion: American ~ Download Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 PDF book author, online PDF book editor Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940. Download and read books online, ePub / PDF online / Audible / Kindle is an easy way to authorize, books for different. with, wide by People who try to compare these books in the .
Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion is a welcome addition to the scholarship on American fundamentalism. Its readers will gain understanding of a movement too often misunderstood as backward and monolithic. American Studies. Abrams’ work is a significant accomplishment in the field of American religious history. He has shed much light on the interesting relationship of fundamentalism and modernity. In addition, his work offers a great deal of insight on how popular culture informed conservative .
Selling the Old-Time Religion : American Fundamentalists ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion is a wonderful contribution to the scholarly literature on twentieth-century Protestantism., Selling the Old-Time Religion makes a very useful contribution to the growing body of scholarship that considers the relation between business and religion in modern America., "The data and conclusions Abrams presents in this book are intriguing, and if some of them are already familiar to those who have read other recent studies of American Protestant fundamentalism .
Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists ~ Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists and mass culture, 1920-1940 フォーマット: 図書 責任表示: Douglas Carl Abrams 言語: 英語 出版情報: Athens : University of Georgia Press, c2001 形態: xiv, 168 p. ; 24 cm 著者名: Abrams, Douglas Carl, 1950- <DA06759799> 書誌ID: BA54138923 ISBN: 9780820322940 .
Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion is written by a fundamentalist who is based at the country's foremost fundamentalist institution of higher education. It is a candid and remarkable piece of self-scrutiny that reveals the movement's first encounters with some of the media methods it now wields with well-documented virtuosity. Douglas Carl Abrams draws extensively on sermons, popular journals, and educational archives to reveal the attitudes and actions of the fundamental leadership and the laity .
ABRAMS, DOUGLAS CARL. SELLING THE OLD-TIME RELIGION ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2001. 168 pp. In this recent book, Carl Abrams shows how fundamentalists between World War I and World War II negotiated the many challenges and seductions of American mass culture. Abrams does an excellent job synthesizing the best scholarship and primary source .
Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists ~ Get this from a library! Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists and mass culture, 1920-1940. [Douglas Carl Abrams] -- "The relationship between Protestant fundamentalists and mass culture is often considered complex and ambiguous. Selling the Old-Time Religion examines this relationship and shows how the first .
selling the old-time religion. american fundamentalists ~ "selling the old-time religion. american fundamentalists and mass culture, 1920-1940. athens, ga, london: university of georgia press 2001. XIV, 168 p." published on by De Gruyter.
Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists ~ 「Selling the old-time religion : American fundamentalists and mass culture, 1920-1940」を図書館から検索。カーリルは複数の図書館からまとめて蔵書検索ができるサービスです。
Selling the Old-Time Religion. American Fundamentalists ~ « Selling the Old-Time Religion. American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 (cf. Arch. supra. Sébastien Fath) », American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 (cf. Arch. supra. Sébastien Fath) », Archives de sciences sociales des religions [En ligne], 126 / avril - juin 2004, document 126.32, mis en ligne le 18 novembre 2005, consulté le 26 juin 2020.
Books received, Journal of the American Academy of ~ Books received Books received 2002-06-01 00:00:00 Abrams, Douglas Carl, Selling the Old Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 19201940. University of Georgia Press, 2001. 168 pages. $35.00. Alter, Stephen, Sacred Waters: A Pilgrimage Up the Ganges River to the Source of Hindu Culture.
[PGM] Download Selling the Old-Time Religion: American ~ Download Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 PDF book author, online PDF book editor Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940. Download and conjure books online, ePub / PDF online / Audible / Kindle is an easy way to submit, books for others. with, deep by People who try to questioning these books in the .
Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists ~ Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 - Douglas Carl Abrams - 洋書の購入は楽天ブックスで。全品送料無料!購入毎に「楽天スーパーポイント」が貯まってお得!みんなのレビュー・感想も満載。
The cultural history of american fundamentalism: a review ~ For a study of fundamentalists’ appropriation of modern mass culture, see Douglas Carl Abrams, Selling the Old-Time Religion: American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture, 1920-1940 (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2001).↩ Carpenter, Revive Us Again, 32, 54, 110-23, 187-232.↩
[PDF] Books Fundamentalism Church And Society Free Download ~ Author: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Publisher: University of Chicago Press ISBN: 9780226508801 Size: 37.74 MB Format: PDF, Docs View: 630 Get Books This book, the second volume of the Fundamentalism Project, provides a systematic overview of the advances made by antisecular religious movements over the past twenty-five years and shows the impact these movements have had on human .
Old-Time Religion Embracing Modernist Culture: American ~ Old-Time Religion Embracing Modernist Culture focuses on the founding generation of American fundamentalism in the 1920s and 1930s and their interactions with modernity. While there were culture wars, there was also an embrace. Through a book culture, fostered by liberal Protestants, and thriving periodicals, they strengthened their place in American culture and their adaptation helps explain .