Buch online Essential Jeet Kune Do
Beschreibung Essential Jeet Kune Do
This book will serve way to decide what will work the best for you and what aspects of JKD you need to keep, as well as throw away. I feel that it would be impossible to learn this from your instructor, as he will mainly focus on what works best for him. I have been fortunate to have learned from many of the senior students of Bruce Lee and have noticed that they all focus on certain things and not on what some the others are doing. For some it may be the boxing aspects. For some it may be footwork. For others it was trapping energy and the Wing Chun elements. It was only when we started focusing on the Western fencing aspects of JKD that I was able to understand and focus on what has become my essence of JKD. Of course, an instructor cannot just hand you what will become your essence or foundation of your own JKD. This is something that you must discover for yourself as you work to become more a more efficient JKD practitioner. The purpose of this book is too show you most of what we teach in my garage and the basic principles behind each. Once you have worked on these you will come to realize what will work for you and what will not. Some of you will want to focus on distance and footwork. Others will feel comfortable crashing the line. Whatever works for you is the main thing. Just use the book as guideline to discover your own essential JKD.
Essential Jeet Kune Do Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Tackett, T: Chinatown Jeet Kune Do: Essential Elements of ~ Tackett, T: Chinatown Jeet Kune Do: Essential Elements of Bruce Lee's Martial Art / Tackett, Tim, Bremer, Bob, Cadwell, Linda Lee / ISBN: 9780897501637 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Essential Jeet Kune Do von Tim Tackett - englisches Buch ~ This book will serve way to decide what will work the best for you and what aspects of JKD you need to keep, as well as throw away. I feel that it would be impossible to learn this from your instructor, as he will mainly focus on what works best for him.
Essential Jeet Kune Do: : Tim Tackett ~ Essential Jeet Kune Do / Tim Tackett / ISBN: 9781949753097 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Tuttle Publishing: Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do ebook / Weltbild ~ Jeet Kune Do was a revolutionary new approach to the martial arts in its time and is the principal reason why Bruce Lee is revered as a pioneer by martial artists today, many decades after his death. The development of his unique martial art form—its principles, core techniques, and lesson plans—are all presented in this book in Bruce Lee's own words and notes. This is the complete and .
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Jeet Kune Do: : Lee, Bruce: BĂĽcher ~ Jeet Kune Do / Lee, Bruce / ISBN: 9783806821413 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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