Ebook The Practice of Freedom: Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Practice of Freedom: Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide (English Edition)
Drawing on the poetic wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, American sensei Wendy Palmer translates the powerful teachings of aikido for use in everyday life. With poignant reflections on her own life, including teaching inmates in a woman's federal prison, she describes how we can regain our sense of freedom, vitality, and integrity when under the duress of life's "attacks" by transforming our negativity into budo, or unconditional love.The Practice of Freedom is invaluable not only for students of aikido and other movement and martial arts, but also for those who seek to live with confidence and self-reliance, to establish clear and compassionate boundaries, and to deepen their capacities for relationships.
Lesen Sie das Buch The Practice of Freedom: Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide (English Edition)
Wendy Palmer - ~ The Practice of Freedom: Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide (English Edition) 01.08.2016. von Wendy Palmer ( 5 ) 10,72 € Drawing on the poetic wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, American sensei Wendy Palmer translates the powerful teachings of aikido for use in everyday life. With poignant reflections on her own life, including teaching inmates in a woman's federal prison, she describes how we .
The Practice of Freedom Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide ~ The Practice of Freedom Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide. 526 .
The Practice of Freedom Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide ~ The Practice of Freedom Aikido Principles as a Spiritual Guide. Leave a reply .
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