Pdf lesen Xtreme Training: The Fighter's Ultimate Fitness Manual
Beschreibung Xtreme Training: The Fighter's Ultimate Fitness Manual
Randy Couture is renown throughout the fight world for his incredible stamina, extreme work ethic and grueling fight pace. In his new book, Xtreme Training, Couture details the training methods that have catapulted him into the upper echelon of Mixed Martial Arts and led to five world titles in two different weight classes. With the help of world-class strength and conditioning coach, Jake Bonacci, Randy demonstrates his trademark exercises used to increase his power and cardio. No guesswork, no blind program design: the workouts in this book are battle tested and proven successful with top level competitive fighters.
Xtreme Training: The Fighter's Ultimate Fitness Manual ebooks
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Xtreme Training: The Fighter's Ultimate Fitness Manual by ~ Start by marking “Xtreme Training: The Fighter's Ultimate Fitness Manual” as Want to Read: . Xtreme Training: The Fighter's Ultimate Fitness Manual by. Randy Couture, Lance Freimuth, Erich Krauss. 4.07 · Rating details · 42 ratings · 2 reviews Randy Couture is renown throughout the fight world for his incredible stamina, extreme work ethic and grueling fight pace. In his new book .
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