Buch Masters Series: Martial Science & Pressure Points
Beschreibung Masters Series: Martial Science & Pressure Points
This book is the go-to reference for Martial Artists and healers with cross-referenced material from both an Eastern (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and a Modern Western Medicine perspective. Hundreds of pressure points are depicted with extensive details of what happens when activated along with medical knowledge of point locations, nerve innervation, muscles, arteries, veins, and more. No other texts have this level of detail. It will replace several books in your library all within one volume! Kyusho Jutsu is the ancient application of acupuncture points for combat. Much of this ancient knowledge was lost until re-discovered. This highly detailed textbook will ensure that never again is this knowledge lost to antiquity.
Lesen Sie das Buch Masters Series: Martial Science & Pressure Points
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The Kyusho Masters Series eBooks and Video Companion ~ Welcome to the The Kyusho Masters Series! This is an entirely new series of eBooks! I will cover information about the master level principles, as well as master level theories. PLUS their application into REAL self defense situations. This new series will be unlike anything you have read before about the art and science of pressure point self .
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Masters Series: Martial Science & Pressure Points: Patrick ~ Granted, Erle was an actual master that studied in China and obtained his rank (highest authentically ranked non-Chinese) in the art. I was less than impressed with the "Masters Series: Martial Science & Pressure Points" especially considering its $100 price point.
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