Pdf lesen Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the Cardinal Virtues (English Edition)
Beschreibung Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the Cardinal Virtues (English Edition)
In recent American politics, the term “morality” has come to be used in a way almost entirely restricted to private family and sexual issues, leaving aside responsibility for immensely consequential decisions about initiating wars, oppressive policies, regressive tax structures, and disregard of the United Nations and international law. Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life is about human responsibility in public life and the moral and spiritual factors involved in exercising that responsibility. Monika Hellwig explores the decisions people have to make in human affairs at all levels of social organization, the values that guide these decisions, and the way those values are often apparently in conflict with one another.By looking at major moral issues in the political decisions, actions and failures to act, of the twentieth century in the light of the tradition of the cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance), Hellwig's work explores the moral implications of the political life in our own times.
Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the Cardinal Virtues (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the ~ Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the Cardinal Virtues (English Edition) eBook: Hellwig, Monika K.: : Kindle-Shop
Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the ~ Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the Cardinal Virtues by Monika K. Hellwig (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers) In recent American politics, the term "morality" has come to be used in a way almost entirely restricted to private family and sexual issues, leaving aside responsibility for immensely consequential decisions about initiating wars, oppressive policies, regressive .
Public dimensions of a believer's life : rediscovering the ~ Get this from a library! Public dimensions of a believer's life : rediscovering the cardinal virtues. [Monika Hellwig] -- "In recent American politics, the term "morality" has come to be used in a way almost entirely restricted to private family and sexual issues, leaving aside responsibility for immensely consequential .
Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the ~ Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life is about human responsibility in public life and the moral and spiritual factors involved in exercising that responsibility. Monika Hellwig explores the decisions people have to make in human affairs at all levels of social organization, the values that guide these decisions, and the way those values are often apparently in conflict with one another.
Monika Hellwig - ~ Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life: Rediscovering the Cardinal Virtues (English Edition) 01.11.2005. von Monika K. Hellwig ( 1 ) €18.69. In recent American politics, the term “morality” has come to be used in a way almost entirely restricted to private family and sexual issues, leaving aside responsibility for immensely consequential decisions about initiating wars, oppressive .
Christians in the Public Square: Faith that Transforms ~ Marshall echoes the political tension between absolutism and compromise as detailed by Hellwig (Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life), but takes the argument a step further by offering a practical solution and challenge to the reader. If agape, moral ambiguity, and theological humility are practiced in the public square we will all move closer to the truth.
Christians in the Public Square: Faith That Transforms ~ See all 5 formats and editions Hide other formats and . (Public Dimensions of a Believer's Life), but takes the argument a step further by offering a practical solution and challenge to the reader. If agape, moral ambiguity, and theological humility are practiced in the public square we will all move closer to the truth. Marshall proposes an interesting challenge that is still pertinent as .
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