Buch The Official US Army Combatives Handbook - Current, Full-Size Edition: Battle-Tested Hand-to-Hand Combat - the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) ... FM 21-150)) (Carlile Military Library)
Beschreibung The Official US Army Combatives Handbook - Current, Full-Size Edition: Battle-Tested Hand-to-Hand Combat - the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) ... FM 21-150)) (Carlile Military Library)
BUILD YOUR WARRIOR ETHOS AND OVERCOME ANY FOE Current edition TC 3-25.150, big 8.5" x 11" LANDSCAPE FORMAT - large, clear text & extensive all-new photo illustrations. 400+ pages - complete & unabridged! This edition supersedes the old FM 3-25.150 and FM 21-150. "Batteries last hours, books last decades. Get the print edition!" Hand-to-hand combat is the ultimate test of a Soldier's ability to combine mind and body into a single, powerful force focused on defeating the enemy with whatever weapons are available. As used by the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) at Fort Benning, GA, the U.S. Army's experts and instructors have created this handbook with the benefit of decades of experience teaching students of every ability to implement the physical and mental skills required to effect lethal devastation on their adversaries in conflicts around the world. The simple, direct and effective skills and training procedures contained in this book will enable you, whether training within a unit, with a partner, or alone, to achieve deadly ability and matchless confidence as a close-combat fighter! SHARPEN THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC OF A WARRIOR: THE WILLINGNESS TO CLOSE WITH THE ENEMY! PLEASE NOTE: in order to maximize the space available for illustrations, this book is presented in landscape format. PURPOSE - SYSTEM PRINCIPLES - SYSTEMATIC & CONTINUOUS TRAINING - COMPETITION - DRILLS - LIVE TRAINING - INTEGRATED TRAINING - COMBAT FEEDBACK - SAFETY & PRECAUTIONS - RISK ASSESSMENT - TRAINING AREAS - INJURIES - RESPONSIBILITIES OF INSTRUCTORS - HOW TO CONDUCT TRAINING - BASIC FIGHT STRATEGY - GROUND GRAPPLING - CLINCH FIGHTING - INTERMEDIATE FIGHT STRATEGY - GRAPPLING WITH STRIKES - REGAINING THE INITIATIVE - ADVANCED GROUND FIGHTING TECHNIQUES - STRIKING SKILLS - DEFENSE - ADVANCED CLINCH POSITIONS - PUMMELING - KNEE STRIKES - CONTACT WEAPONS - THRUSTING WEAPONS - WEAPON ATTACK & DEFENSE - GRAPPLING WITH WEAPONS - COMPETITIONS - DRILLS & TRAINING EVALUATION Search for 'CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY' to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf! Information purposes only. Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA.
Lesen Sie das Buch The Official US Army Combatives Handbook - Current, Full-Size Edition: Battle-Tested Hand-to-Hand Combat - the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) ... FM 21-150)) (Carlile Military Library)
The Official US Army Combatives Handbook - Current, Full ~ The Official US Army Combatives Handbook - Current, Full-Size Edition: Battle-Tested Hand-to-Hand Combat - the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) . FM 21-150)) (Carlile Military Library) / Army, US, Media, Carlile / ISBN: 9781977796745 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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SAS and Elite Forces Guide Extreme Unarmed Combat: Hand-To ~ The Official US Army Combatives Handbook - Current, Full-Size Edition: Battle-Tested Hand-to-Hand Combat - the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) . FM 21-150)) (Carlile Military Library) US Army. 4.5 out of 5 stars 22. Paperback. £12.45. SAS and Elite Forces Guide Manhunt: The Art and Science of Tracking High Value Enemy Targets Alexander Stilwell. 2.6 out of 5 stars 3. Paperback. £16 .
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Combatives - Wikipedia ~ The Modern Army Combatives Program was adopted as the basis for the Air Force Combatives Program in January 2008. [2] [2] In recent years the major tenets of MAC, namely "live" training and using competitions as a tool to motivate soldiers and units to higher levels of training, have been adopted by many of the major combatives systems such as Krav Maga and the Russian military hand-to-hand .
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Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare ~ FM 3-05.130 Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare September 2008 . Army Knowledge Online (www.us.army.mil) and General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at (www.train.army.mil). FM 3-05.130 Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only to protect technical or operational information from automatic .