Buch Cults, Religion, and Violence
Beschreibung Cults, Religion, and Violence
This explores the question of when and why violence by and against new religious cults erupts and whether and how such dramatic conflicts can be foreseen, managed and averted. The authors, leading international experts on religious movements and violent behavior, focus on the four major episodes of cult violence during the last decade: the tragic conflagration that engulfed the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas; the deadly sarin gas attack by the Aum Shinrikyo in Tokyo; the murder-suicides by the Solar Temple in Switzerland and Canada; and the collective suicide by the members of Heaven's Gate. They explore the dynamics leading to these dramatic episodes in North America, Europe, and Asia, and offer insights into the general relationship between violence and religious cults in contemporary society. The authors conclude that these events usually involve some combination of internal and external dynamics through which a new religious movement and society become polarized.
Cults, Religion, and Violence Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Cults, Religion, and Violence: : David G. Bromley ~ Cults, Religion, and Violence / David G. Bromley, J. Gordon Melton / ISBN: 9780521660648 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
CULTS, RELIGION AND VIOLENCE CULTS, RELIGION AND VIOLENCE ~ [ CULTS, RELIGION AND VIOLENCE[ CULTS, RELIGION AND VIOLENCE ] BY BROMLEY, DAVID G. ( AUTHOR )JAN-01-2002 PAPERBACK ] Cults, Religion and Violence[ CULTS, RELIGION AND VIOLENCE ] By Bromley, David G. ( Author )Jan-01-2002 Paperback By Bromley, David G. ( Author ) May-2002 [ Paperback ] / Bromley, David G. / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Cults, Religion, and Violence - Google Books ~ Cults, Religion, and Violence Professor of Sociology and Anthropology David G Bromley , David G. Bromley , J. Gordon Melton Cambridge University Press , May 13, 2002 - Religion - 249 pages
Cults Religion and Violence Online PDF eBook ~ CULTS, RELIGION, AND VIOLENCE The Library of Congress 1 Violence and Religion in Perspective 1 david g. bromley and j. gordon melton 2 Dramatic Denouements 11 david g. bromley 3 Challenging Misconceptions about the New Religions–Violence Connection 42 j. gordon melton and david g. bromley 4 Sources of Volatility in Religious Movements 57 thomas robbins 5 Crises of Charismatic Legitimacy and .
CULTS, RELIGION, AND VIOLENCE ~ Cults, religion, and violence / edited by David G. Bromley, J. Gordon Melton. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 0-521-66064-5 – isbn 0-521-66898-0 (pbk.) 1. Violence – Religious aspects. 2. Cults. I. Bromley, David G. II. Melton, J. Gordon. bl65.v55 c85 2002 306.6 99 – dc21 2001037861 isbn 0 521 66064 5 hardback isbn 0 521 66898 0 paperback iv. P1: FDJ/SPH P2 .
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Cults, Religion, and Violence: Bromley, David G ~ "The essays in Cults, Religion, and Violence are marked by a degree of scholarship, sanity and balance that has so often been lacking in debates over these issues since the time of Jonestown. Throughout the collection, the various authors succeed in applying critical good sense to even the most controversial of cult-related horror stories. When we face our next cult confrontationa--and we .
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