Buch lesen Cheng, J: Chong Woo Kwan Wing Chun: Art of Simultaneous Defence and Attack
Beschreibung Cheng, J: Chong Woo Kwan Wing Chun: Art of Simultaneous Defence and Attack
Lesen Sie das Buch Cheng, J: Chong Woo Kwan Wing Chun: Art of Simultaneous Defence and Attack
Chong Woo Kwan Wing Chun: Art of Simultaneous Defence and ~ Chong Woo Kwan Wing Chun: Art of Simultaneous Defence and Attack / Joseph Cheng / ISBN: 9780901764409 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Everything Wing Chun - Books, Videos, DVDs, Wooden Dummy ~ Wing Chun Kung-Fu (a.k.a Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun, etc) is considered the world's most technically advanced and devastating form of hand-to-hand combat.It is the original mixed-martial art of ancient China. Called the "sawed-off shotgun" of the martial arts world, it can be learned very quickly and is designed specifically to defeat other martial arts as well as stronger, bigger, and faster opponents.
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Wooden Dummies - Wing Chun Dummy - Mook Yan Jongs ~ A selection of high quality wing chun wooden dummies (mook yan jongs) (ving tsun, wing tsun).
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Glossary of Wing Chun terms - Wikipedia ~ These are terms used in the Chinese martial art Wing Chun. They are originally colloquial Cantonese (or Foshan spoken slang). Thus, their meanings might be difficult to trace. Some of those terms are used in Jeet Kune Do, sometimes with a different meaning. [citation needed. Forms. Two-knives for close fightings. As normally seen in English (from Cantonese) Simp. char. Trad. char. Cantonese .
Wing Chun - Wikipedia ~ Wing Chun Kuen (traditional Chinese: 詠春拳), usually called Wing Chun (詠春), is a concept-based traditional Southern Chinese Kung fu style and a form of self-defense, that requires quick arm movements and strong legs to defeat opponents. Softness (via relaxation) and performance of techniques in a relaxed manner is fundamental to Wing Chun.
Origin of Chinese Names (Last Names or Surnames, 中國百家姓氏來 ~ Zhong, Chong (Bell) 關: Guan, Kwan, Kuan, Kwuan, Quan (Shut, Close) Descendents of the Renown (Three Kingdom) General, Guan Yun Chang (also known as Guan Yu, or Guan Gong) 21: 顧: Gu, Ku (Consult) 22: 龔: Gong : 23: 欒: Luan : Compound Names: 歐陽: Ou Yang, Au Yang: Descendents of a king who tried to regain glory: 司徒: SiTu: Desendents .
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Top 20 Donnie Yen Movies - IMDb ~ Wing Chun's village is yet again being plundered by bandits. This time she uses kung fu to defeat them. The fighting doesn't end here. Director: Woo-Ping Yuen / Stars: Michelle Yeoh, Donnie Yen, King-Tan Yuen, Catherine Yan Hung. Votes: 2,960
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How to Learn Wing Chun (with Pictures) - wikiHow ~ Wing Chun is a style of kung fu that emphasizes close quarter combat, quick punches and tight defense to overcome opponents. This traditional Chinese martial art destabilizes opponents with quick footwork, defense and offense happening simultaneously, and redirecting opponent's energy to your advantage.
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