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Beschreibung The Psychology of Redemption: Illustrated Edition
This book is compiled from verbatim notes taken of lectures given in 1915 to the students at the Bible Training College, Clapham, and in the following year to men of the Egyptian Expeditionary force in the Y.M.C.A. Hut, Zeitoun, Egypt. The Psychology of Redemption was the first book published by Mrs. Chambers after her 1919 return from Egypt. In 1922, Mrs. Chambers and Kathleen, were living in Yarnton in a small cottage with no electricity or running water. With financial help from friends, she had the book printed in Oxford, continuing her first steps of faith in the journey that gave her husband’s words to the world. “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word” (John 17:20). This book is just the “word” of a disciple of Jesus Chrisdisciple of Jesus Christ’st’s, and it is sent out with the prayer that it may be the “great disposing word” of God in many lives.
The Psychology of Redemption: Illustrated Edition Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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