PDF Authentic Iron Palm: The Complete Training Manual
Beschreibung Authentic Iron Palm: The Complete Training Manual
A comprehensive guide to Iron Palm--an advanced training course for developing a strong striking hand and delivering powerful blows Iron Palm is a set of martial art conditioning skills--dating back to the Shaolin Temple of fifth-century China--whose purpose is to strengthen the hand while empowering the fighter to strike with force and precision. Training is focused and incremental, requiring the guidance of an experienced master. In Authentic Iron Palm, author, instructor, and five-time US National Chinese martial arts Champion Phillip Starr provides the definitive guide to Iron Palm. He meticulously outlines the three sequential steps of training: hardening limbs, developing technique, and engaging Qigong for coordinating breath and mind. The end result is a more powerful and precise strike that can impact the target's viscera (with no trace on the outer body). Lavishly illustrated with more than 200 images, this book is ideal for experienced practitioners of gong-fu, karate, and taekwondo.
Authentic Iron Palm: The Complete Training Manual ebooks
Authentic Iron Palm: The Complete Training Manual: Starr ~ In Authentic Iron Palm, author, instructor, and five-time US National Chinese martial arts Champion Phillip Starr provides the definitive guide to Iron Palm. He meticulously outlines the three sequential steps of training: hardening limbs, developing technique, and engaging Qigong for coordinating breath and mind. The end result is a more powerful and precise strike that can impact the target .
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