Ebook The Sanusi's Little War: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-1917: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-17
Beschreibung The Sanusi's Little War: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-1917: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-17
This Is The Exciting Story of a forgotten war, fought out on the fringe of the great First World War campaigns. At its centre stands the tragic figure of Sayyid Ahmad al-Sharif, the Grand Sanusi, a charismatic Arab leader caught between the rival war aims of the Turco-German alliance and the British Empire.In November 1915 HMS Tara, a requisitioned ferryboat, is torpedoed by a German U-boat off Sollum on the north-west coast of Egypt. The ninety-two survivors, nearly all Welshmen from Holyhead, are handed over to Turkish and Sanusi soldiers across the border and sent as prisoners of war deep into the Libyan Desert. The Turco-Sanusi Army then overruns Sollum and pushes into Egypt. The British, who occupy that country, are caught off guard by the suddenness of these events and are forced to launch a military campaign to expel the invaders. Thousands of British and Colonial soldiers are rushed into the Western Desert, where, over the next few months, four battles are fought before Sollum is retaken and the threat is contained. Finally, the Duke of Westminster leads a large column of Rolls Royce armoured cars and Model T Fords into Libya to rescue the Welshmen.Based on original source material, The Sanusi's Little War tells for the first time the full story of the Turco-Sanusi invasion and the subsequent military campaign. The author describes in detail secret missions by the Germans and, separately, by the Turks to win the Grand Sanusi over to their cause and get him to launch an invasion of Egypt. He reveals the fascinating role played in the campaign by certain British officers, particularly Leo Royle, formerly of the Egyptian Coastguard, and links them to the Military Intelligence Office in Cairo. And, most unexpected of all, is his discovery that T. E. Lawrence played a role in these events and even went to Sollum just days before the invasion, to meet the Coastguard officers who are the story's principal characters.
The Sanusi's Little War: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-1917: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-17 Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Sanusi's Little War: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten ~ The Sanusi's Little War: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-1917: The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915-17 / McGuirk, Russell / ISBN: 9780954479275 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Ahmad asch-Scharif – Wikipedia ~ War Monthly Magazine, „The Sanussi 1915-17“ Mustafa Ali Houwaidi, “Al Haraka al Wataniya fi Shark Libia Khilal al Harb al Alamiya al Oula”, Markaz Jihad al Libiyeen Did al Ghazu al Itali, Tripoli, 1988. Russell McGuirk: The Sanusi's Little War The Amazing Story of a Forgotten Conflict in the Western Desert, 1915–1917.
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Ahmad asch-Scharif ~ Sayyid Ahmed asch Sharif as Senussi Ahmed asch Sharif as Senussi, vollständiger Name Sayyid Ahmed asch Sharif ibn Muhammad asch Sharif ibn Muhammad ibn Ali as Senussi, (* 1873 in al Jaghbub; †10. März 1933 in Medina) war von 1902 bis zu seinem…
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Aktion von SM U 35 im Golf von Sollum – Wikipedia ~ In der Aktion von SM U 35 im Golf von Sollum am 5. November 1915 versenkte U 35 die HMS Tara und überfiel den Hafen von Sollum, wobei ein Kanonenboot versenkt wurde. Die Aktion fand im Anschluss an einen Versorgungstransport für die osmanischen Truppen in der Cyrenaica statt und bildete eines der Ereignisse, die die osmanisch-arabische Invasion in Ägypten einleiteten.
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